Newsletter - w/c 05/10/20
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important notices regarding school life:
School Dinners - Introducing SchoolGrid
From Monday 12 October 2020, we will be introducing SchoolGrid. This is an app where parents/carers will select their child's meals in advance (e.g. on a weekly, monthly, or half-termly basis). This gives parents/carers more control over what food their child is eating in school.
Parents/carers will receive an e-mail invitation to set up their account within the next few days.
To be clear, from Monday 12 October 2020, we will no longer be recording children's school meals in school. If you forget to record your child's school meal options via the app, your child will have to take the option of a jacket potato with cheese and/or beans along with salad. This is because food ordering will be done much more in advance to reduce wastage.
There will be a new menu for after the October half term. We will receive this in the next couple of weeks and we will share it with parents/carers.
Food Bank and Clothes Bank
Thank you again to those parents/carers who attended our weekly coffee morning organised by Mrs Bye (Family Support Worker). Because of your input, we created a clear flowchart for parents/carers regarding what to do if a child shows the symptoms of coronavirus, which you may see by clicking here, and Mrs Bye has also begun the initial work into setting up a Food Bank and a Clothes Bank in school. We will share more details regarding these services in the coming weeks.
One parent has shared the details of an app where families may donate food and household belongings to others. Please click here to find out more information and please be mindful of your own safety and wellbeing if visiting people you do not know or if welcoming people you do not know onto your doorstep.
Parent/Carer Behaviour
This week, Mr Short (Headteacher) has had to send two warning letters (as per our Managing Abusive Parents, Carers and Visitors Policy) to parents whose behaviour has not been in line with school expectations. It would be a shame to have to ban a parent/carer from the school premises but Mr Short has done this previously and will do this again if it is needed to keep children, staff and other parents/carers safe.
We understand that many parents/carers are feeling anxious about current events but we would remind you to remember that we work in school to serve the local community, and particularly the children, so please ensure you speak politely to members of staff in person, on the phone and via e-mail.
Parents and Carers' Evening
We have taken the decision to run this autumn's Parent and Carers' Consultation Evening remotely and by telephone.
There will be more information in next week's newsletter but please note that the telephone appointments will be available for Wednesday 21 October 2020, 3:30-6:00pm and Thursday 22 October 2020, 3:30-6:00pm.
Kind regards,
The School Office Team
Hurst Drive Primary School
01992 624099