At Hurst Drive Primary School, maths is taught daily in all year groups.
We have a focus on language acquisition and understanding and so expect children to answer in full sentences. Teachers provide children with opportunities to reason and to problem solve. Lessons are taught predominantly using the 6-part lesson structure which gives children a chance to rehearse their language skills, and our teachers the flexibility to change the direction of the lesson in light of their on-going assessment. We have maths meetings to build the fluency of facts that need to be instantly recalled and of areas of maths that we cover less frequently.
Click on the whole school progression document below for a detailed overview of what your child will learn and when, otherwise, click on your child's year group below to read about the National Curriculum expectations of what children learn in Key Stages 1 and 2. If you would like to find out more about calculation strategies we teach the children in school, please click here to go to our Video Resource Centre.