Read Write Inc. Phonics
Pupils have a bright start in their English learning with us starting in Reception and Key Stage 1 (KS1) where Read Write Inc. – a synthetic phonics programme – is taught daily with the expectation that pupils will be fluent readers having secured word recognition skills by the end of KS1.
Pupils are taught the grapheme-phoneme correspondences in a clear sequence from the simple alphabetic code to phonemes with alternative graphemes.
For each phoneme, pupils are taught to ‘say it’, ‘read it’, ‘write it’, using child-friendly mnemonics and visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities.
Any pupils entering Key Stage 2 (KS2) with word reading difficulties receive timely one-to-one intervention with a trained member of staff.
If you want to know more about our phonics programme, click here to watch a webinar produced by the Subject Leader for Phonics.
Phonics Documents
Reading for Pleasure at Hurst Drive
As well as ensuring we provide high quality daily phonics lessons to support all of our children to read from Reception, we also promote a love of reading through high quality book corners. As well as taking home their phonics book, children are able to select books to take home to share with their parents to encourage them to enjoy reading and to talk about the books they have read. Our book corners include a range of fiction and non-fiction as well as opportunities to review and respond to books.