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Newsletter - w/c 16/03/2020

Dear parent/carer,


Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


Coronavirus - Latest Update


Please click here to read our latest advice and information regarding coronavirus and how it affects our school. Currently, no child or staff member has been diagnosed with coronavirus.  The main thing parents and carers can do to help the children is encourage good hygiene by teaching them to do the following:


  • hand washing (for which you can show them this video); 
  • coughing into their inner elbow (instead of their hand);
  • sneezing into a tissue before binning the tissue and washing their hands; and,
  • avoiding touching their face (or other people's faces) with their hands.


Of course, we want to keep the children safe and healthy but we don't want to worry them too much, particularly as children make up the smallest group of those diagnosed with coronavirus globally and those children who have contracted it appear mostly to have mild symptoms that are not life threatening - this is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Sex and Relationships Education - Reception, Year 1 and Birch Class Meeting


This is just a reminder to parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Birch Class (who will follow the Year 1 curriculum) that Mr Short is holding a meeting for parents/carers on Wednesday 18th March from 9:00am in the main hall to explain what the children will learn in the summer term (i.e. June 2020) relating to Sex and Relationships Education.  


To be clear, it is only children in Year 6 who learn about reproduction (i.e. sex) - the term Sex and Relationships Education is used from Reception up to Sixth Form (i.e. college) regardless of what elements are taught to the children.


If you cannot make the meeting, Mr Short will e-mail out information to all the parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Birch Class at the end of the week so you may see what your child will be learning.  


Friends of Hurst Drive - Mothers' Day Sale - Friday 20th March 2020  


On Friday 20th March 2020, during the school day, the Friends of Hurst Drive will be holding their annual Mothers' Day Sale where children may buy gifts for their mother and/or any other important women in their lives.  We recommend you give your child £5-£10 to spend but you are welcome to give your child more or less depending on what you can spare.  


If you are interested in joining the Friends of Hurst Drive to help organise school events, please speak to Mrs Lloyd (Safeguarding Coordinator) or one of the mothers who you know form the Friends of Hurst Drive.  They are always looking for extra pairs of helping hands! 


Thank you in advance to the Friends of Hurst Drive for planning and leading this event - the children always enjoy it and I'm sure lots of our mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, aunts, big sisters and any other important women in the children's lives enjoy receiving their gifts on Mothers' Day (which, as a reminder, is on Sunday 22nd March 2020!).


Attendance - week commencing 09/03/2020


The whole-school attendance for the week beginning 9th March is 95.8 % which is below the national average of 96%.


1st        Hawthorn      98.9%

2nd       Sycamore      98.3%

3rd        Beech            98.1%

4th        Birch              98.0%

5th        Walnut           98.0%

6th        Elm                97.3%

7th        Cedar            97.1%

8th        Ash               97.0%

9th        Oak               95.9%

10th     Pear               95.8%

11th     Apple             95.7%

12th     Mulberry        94.4 % 

13th     Cherry           93.8%

14th     Willow           91.4%

15th     Chestnut       89.0%


Congratulations to Hawthorn class for having the best attendance in the school.  The class from Reception to Year 2 to have the most children in school every day this week was Beech Class and the class from Years 3 to Year 6 to have the most children in school every day this week was Hawthorn Class.  Those classes will get to decide (with their teacher) a special treat to celebrate their win! 


End of Day Collection


Parents and carers, please note the following regarding the end of the school day:


  • During break- and lunchtime, the children know that only 2 children are allowed on the trampoline at a time.  This is to avoid overloading the trampoline and breaking it but also to avoid children accidentally bouncing into one another and causing an injury.  At home time, please avoid encouraging your children to use the trampolines as there won't always be a member of staff present to check their safety.  If your children are using the trampoline, check that only 2 children are using it at any time and take action (i.e. tell them to get off) if this is not the case.
  • Please also note that parents/carers and their children need to leave the school premises by 3:35pm as we want to be able to lock the large pedestrian gate on the front playground so that our after-school clubs can use the front playground safely (i.e. no child can get out onto the road and no stranger can get onto our premises).  Thank you


Dinner Money


Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday.  Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. There are two options you can either pay £2.60 for a single meal or a weekly cost of £13.00 for five meals. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope.


If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.



Yours sincerely,

The School Office Team

Hurst Drive Primary School 

01992 624099
