Newsletter - w/c - 01/03/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some notices about school life:
Reopening of Schools - Monday 8 March 2021
All children must return to school from Monday 8 March 2021, 8:35-9:00am. You may click here to remind yourself of the changes in place in response to the pandemic and you may click here to remind yourself of the school's expectations regarding attendance.
Please be aware that we are a school who completes the paperwork that allows the local authority to issue fixed penalty notices. We do this because we strongly believe the best place for children to be is in school where they may play and learn with children their age.
Our Safeguarding Coordinator, Mrs Lloyd, and our Family Support Worker, Mrs Bye, will be visiting families next week. They will visit families where a child's attendance concerns us or a family who we know may be anxious about the return to school so questions may be asked and answered to offer reassurance.
In the meantime, if you do have any questions about the reopening of school, you should e-mail these to and a staff member will either telephone or e-mail you a response.
After-school Clubs
From Monday 8 March 2021, you will be able to book your child onto one of our after-school clubs via the SchoolGateway app. After-school clubs will start in the week commencing 15/03/21. Because we can only accommodate a small number of children in each club, if your child misses a session, we will delete them from the register and give their space to a child on the waiting list.
School Milk
In the first week after the Easter Holidays, we will send out letters about ordering milk to all parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
If you already made a payment for milk for the spring term, we can either keep this as a credit towards a summer term order or refund it to you. Those of you who have made a payment will be telephoned during March so we may find out what you would like us to do with your payment.
World Book Day - Wednesday 10 March 2021
We are postponing our celebration of World Book Day to Wednesday 10 March 2021 because the children will be back in school and may celebrate together with the teachers organising activities that promote a love of reading.
In the meantime, please click here to find information about reading at home, and please click here to find links to websites that include famous people reading storybooks.
The dress-up theme is 'Bedtime Stories' - your child may wear a onesie or pyjamas but if you have already prepared a costume related to a favourite book character, your child is welcome to wear that instead.
School Meals
Please ensure you book your child's school meals on SchoolGrid. Remember, you may do this a week, a month or even a half term in advance.
Yours sincerely
The Administration Team
01992 624099