Weekly Newsletter w/c 29/11/2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important notices about school life:
Year 6 PGL Parent Information Meeting for ear 6 parents/carers
On Monday 29th November at 9am we will be holding a meeting about the Year 6 summer residential trip. We will use this time to share information with you as well as providing an opportunity for you to ask any questions. If you are unsure as to whether you want to send your child on the PGL trip, or just want to know more, this is a good opportunity to ask any questions you have. We aim to be finished by 09:30. It would be great to have as many of you there as possible. If you cannot make it, we will be able to email you a copy of the presentation.
Upcoming In School Events
29/11/21 & 30/11/21- Whole School African Dance Workshops
01/12/12- Nasal Flu Immunisation
The Flu Immunisation Programme will take place in school by Vaccination UK for children who were unable to have the Immunisation on the previous visit
Upcoming School Trips
29/11/21-Cherry Class-Lea Valley School Visit
We have recently made links with Lea Valley School to give our children the opportunity to access resources and subject specialists that we do not have in school. As such, we have organised for your child’s year group to attend Lea Valley School on Monday 29th November for Tag Rugby lessons. This will support the children’s learning, as their current PE topic is Tag Rugby.
03/12/2021- Pear Class- Festival of Carols
This is an event run by Broxbourne Council with fifteen local schools taking part. Children from Hurst Drive will be performing a 30-minute carol concert from inside the Pavilions Shopping Centre in Waltham Cross. Parents/carers of Pear Class are welcome to attend to support the children and enjoy their festive singing.
02/12/21-Cedar Class- Lea Valley School Visit
We have recently made links with Lea Valley School to give our children the opportunity to access resources and subject specialists that we do not have in school. As such, we have organised for your child’s year group to attend Lea Valley School on Thursday 2nd December to design a web page. This will complement their current topic of Web Page Design.
6/12/21-Hawthorn Class-Lea Valley School Visit
We have recently made links with Lea Valley School to give our children the opportunity to access resources and subject specialists that we do not have in school. As such, we have organised for your child’s year group to attend Lea Valley School on Monday 6th December for Tag Rugby lessons. This will support the children’s learning, as their current PE topic is Tag Rugby.
08/12/21- Choir Club Festival of Carols
This is an event run by Broxbourne Council with fifteen local schools taking part. Children from Hurst Drive will be performing a 30-minute carol concert from inside the Pavilions Shopping Centre in Waltham Cross. Parents/carers are welcome to attend to support the choir and enjoy their festive singing.
09/12/21-MulberryClass- Lea Valley School Visit
We have recently made links with Lea Valley School to give our children the opportunity to access resources and subject specialists that we do not have in school. As such, we have organised for your child’s year group to attend Lea Valley School on Thursday 2nd December to design a web page. This will complement their current topic of Web Page Design.
10/12/21-Hawthorn and Cherry Class-Lea Valley School Visit
We have recently made links with Lea Valley School to give our children the opportunity to access resources and subject specialists that we do not have in school. As such, we have organised for your child’s year group to attend Lea Valley School on Friday 10th December for Tag Rugby lessons. This will complement their current topic of Tag Rugby.
10/12/2021- Oak Class- Festival of Carols
This is an event run by Broxbourne Council with fifteen local schools taking part. Children from Hurst Drive will be performing a 30-minute carol concert from inside the Pavilions Shopping Centre in Waltham Cross. Parents/carers of Oak Class are welcome to attend to support the children and enjoy their festive singing.
The School Office