Weekly Newsletter w/c 13/12/2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important notices about school life:
Headteacher Appointment
The governors are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Forrest as Headteacher with immediate effect.
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy and peaceful Christmas holiday.
Kind regards,
Emma Kight (Chair of Governors)
After School Clubs
Bookings for after school clubs in the Spring Term can be made from Wednesday next week. All club bookings are for the whole Spring Term, please ensure you can commit to regular attendance before signing up. This term, we had a number of children who were signed up to more than one club on a single day, please only book one club per child on each day to ensure there are enough spaces for everyone.
Christmas Holidays
A polite reminder that school closes for the Christmas holidays on Friday 17th December at 13:45.
Upcoming In School Events
EYFS & KS1 Christmas Performances
The children are continuing to work hard practicing their performances and they are sounding great. We are very hopeful that they will be able to go ahead next week with live audiences but please be aware that we may need to change this if our number of positive Covid cases increases. If that does happen, we will make a recording of the performances and share it with parents. Please check the newsletter next week and Facebook for any updates.
You should now have received your 1 ticket for your child’s performance. If you have not, please speak directly with your class teacher as you will need this ticket to gain entrance to the event. Please can we politely remind you to take a lateral flow test 24 hours before the performance, wear a mask indoors and only attend if your result is negative. If you have symptoms of Covid, or have been told to isolate by Test and Trace, please do not attend.
This year, after all performances we would like to invite parent/carers to join us under the canopy for some refreshments provided by the Friends of Hurst Drive. If you will be attending, please be mindful of social distancing as well as ensuring to use the hand sanitiser provided.
14/12/21- Key Stage 1 Nativity to Ash and Beech Parents/Carers
At 2:00pm on Tuesday 14 December 2021, the parents/carers of children in Ash Class and Beech Class are invited to watch the children perform in their Christmas production.
15/12/21- Key Stage 1 Nativity to Chestnut and Walnut Parents/Carers.
At 2:00pm on Wednesday 15 December 2021, the parents/carers of children in Chestnut Class and Walnut Class are invited to watch the children perform in their Christmas production.
16/12/21- Reception Christmas Concert
At 9:15am on Thursday 16 December 2021, the parents/carers of children in Sycamore Class and Willow Class are invited to watch the children perform some Christmas-themed songs.
16/12/21-Christmas Jumper Day
Children are welcome to come to school in non-school uniform, wearing a Christmas jumper.
16/12/21 -Christmas Dinner Day
At lunchtime, the cooks will be serving our annual Christmas dinner. If your child would like to have this please make sure to pre-book on the Schoolgrid.
16/12/21-Christmas Parties
After Christmas lunch teachers will be holding Christmas parties for their classes. If you would like to donate food and drink to your child’s Christmas party, please remember we are a nut free school. We would also prefer if food items were individually wrapped, however, if this is not possible, food items will be served by the class teacher.
Kind Regards
The School Office