Weekly Newsletter w/c 11/10/2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important notices about school life:
Parent and Carers' Consultation Evening for Years 1-6
We will be holding our Parent and Carer Consultation Evening on Thursday 21st October 2021, 3:45-9:00pm.
If you have a child in Years 1-6, you will be able to make a 10-minute appointment to meet with your child's teacher to discuss your child's behaviour and learning. If you have a child in Reception, you will not be making an appointment as you meet with your child's teacher at different points in the year.
On Monday 11th October 2021 at 6pm, you will receive an email invitation to book a 10-minute appointment with your child's class teacher. The booking system will close on Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 6pm. Please note in some circumstances we may need to rearrange meetings, if so we will be in contact.
Please also allow a ten-minute gap between appointments for siblings. For example if your first child has an appointment at 3:55 – 4.05pm, the earliest appointment you should book for their sibling would be 4:15pm.
Learning with Parents – Mathematics Homework
Moving forward, we are going to be setting maths homework through a website called Learning with Parents.
This website has 2-minute videos that aim to teach adults and children before suggesting fun games or tasks to complete using resources you would have in the home. You can then leave feedback to let the teacher know how the children got on.
Please read the slides that were attached to the emailed newsletter and sign up on the Learning with Parents website this week using the information provided on Monday by your child’s class teacher.
Your child/ren's homework will begin to be set on there from next week, starting Friday 15th October 2021.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Ryan-Roberts (Subject Leader for Mathematics)
Remote Learning
If your child is isolating at home awaiting a PCR test, or has received a positive result for COVID-19, your child’s class teacher will be in contact to discuss remote learning. For more information about remote learning, please click here.
Parent and Carer Parking
You will have seen today that the local police are supporting us in our efforts to ensure the road outside of school is safe for all at drop off and pick up times. They have had to issue some parking fines today and will be continuing to support us in this way going forwards. Thank you again to the majority of our parents for parking considerately and safely.
Mrs Bye would also like to say a big thank you to those parent/carers who have supported her by collecting the cones before and after school. These small acts of kindness are very much appreciated.
Breakfast Club & Wraparound Care
A reminder to parent/carers that you may make bookings for Breakfast Club and Wraparound Care via the School Gateway app.
Please note: All bookings for Breakfast Club must be made, at the latest, the evening before you wish your child to attend. If your child no longer needs to attend Breakfast Club/Wraparound Care, please cancel the booking via the app. If you are unable to do this please contact the school admin team who will be happy to help.
From Monday to Friday, our breakfast club starts at 7:45am. All children must arrive by 8:15am to receive a breakfast and 8.20am at the latest. After this time, the children go out to play and there is no one from Breakfast Club to greet them from the entrance area.
The children who attend Breakfast Club are offered a nutritious breakfast (e.g. porridge, toast, fruit etc.) before taking part in games and activities ahead of the school day which begins at 8:40am.
You may click here to read more information about before- and after-school care.
Food Banks
Local agencies are striving to support families in the area. If you are struggling to provide food for your family please contact a local foodbank by clicking here or phoning 07943 986 261 .
Upcoming School Events
22/10/21 - Halloween Dress-up Day
To let the children (and parents/carers) showcase their creativity, we are inviting children to dress-up in Halloween-themed costume. We encourage you please to make do with what you have at home already rather than spending money on a new outfit and/or make props out of paper or card. You can see an example here of how to make a witches hat. There will be prizes for the most creative outfits!
Kind Regards
School office