Newsletter - w/c 29/06/20
Dear Parent/Carer,
We hope you and your family are well and enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Please see below for key notices regarding school life:
School Opening to Children from Years 2-5
If you have informed a member of staff that you wish for your child in Year 3 or 4 to return to school from Monday 29 June 2020, you will receive an e-mail later today with the details.
For Years 2 and 5, next week, the member of staff who telephones to check in with you and your child will ask if you will be willing to send your child to school from the week commencing Monday 6 July 2020.
Please keep in mind that the guidance from the Department for Education is clear that if a parent/carer is offered a school place for their child and declines it, only to then change their mind later on, the school is not obliged to make a space available for the child.
The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has made it clear that the government's aim is to have all children back in school from September; however, as yet, school leaders have not been sent guidance about this. We will be sure to keep you informed of our plans and these plans will be shared with you before the Summer Holidays commence so you may make arrangements accordingly with work and home.
Water Bottles and Sunscreen
For those of you with a child in school, please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school every day as our water fountains are still out of use, and, given the bright sunshine, please use sunscreen on your child each morning before they come to school to keep their skin protected from the sun's harmful rays.
Children's Belongings
We have a number of coats, schoolbags and PE kit bags in school from where school closed suddenly and children did not take them home. We will move these belongings into your child's cloakroom in their new classroom for September so they may collect them then.
As always, please ensure your child's belongings are all clearly labelled, and, please check to see if your child accidentally brings home another child's belongings so you may return them to school.
We do give your children verbal reminders about looking after their personal property so if parents/carers could repeat this message too that would be helpful.
Hurst Drive's Got Talent 2020
If your child wishes to showcase their creativity, they should video their talent and post it on Facebook, tagging their class page so the teachers may see it.
This talent could be anything from dancing and singing to showing the tricks they can get their pet dog to do.
There can be one winner from each year group, and winners will be announced on 6 July 2020.
This competition is open to those children in school as well as to those children currently learning at home.
01992 624099
Yours sincerely,
The School Office Team
Hurst Drive Primary School