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Newsletter - w/c 29/04/19

Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.  


Missing Items of Clothing


If a child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 has brought home a blue girls' jacket with silver faux fur trim around the hood, please bring it into the school office so it may be returned to its owner in Year 1.


We share the same frustrations as parents and carers when an item of clothing goes missing.  Please talk to your child/ren about the importance of looking after their personal property; for example, putting their school jumper in their bag if they remove it during a lesson.  


Of course, the adults in school do regularly return labelled clothing to children when they find it but sadly some items of clothing will still go missing.    


Attendance and Punctuality


Hawthorn Class in Year 4 had 100% attendance and punctuality this week which we are very pleased about - thank you to those children and their families for being in school every day and on time.  


All the research shows that children who maintain attendance of 96% or above are much happier, confident pupils who are more likely to do well in school.  This is why the Hertfordshire Attendance Team put a lot of pressure on us as a school to address low attendance.  


Parents and carers, please also be aware that the Late Collection of a Child Policy has come into force.  If you have been late to collect your child at the end of the school day, you will receive a letter in the post about this.  The school day finishes at 3:15pm and it's expected that parents/carers make arrangements to ensure their child is collected on time.  If ever you are having any personal or workplace issues that mean you may be frequently late to collect your child, you should inform the school so we may support you (e.g. offering a place in our after-school wraparound care).  


Book Fair


The Book Fair will continue to be in school next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If you’d like to treat your child or someone else’s child to some brand-new books, come to the Dining Hall after school. The Book Fair will be open until 4:30pm and it is 3 for 2 on all books!


After-school Clubs


There are still some places at our after-school clubs, including football, netball, board games and more. For bookings, we are using the same system we use for booking appointments at Parents and Carers' Evening. Please click the link below to access the system, using the same information you provided to the school (e.g. the e-mail address for you we have on record) to log in. If you have any issues, please speak to one of the administrative assistants in the school office.




Yours sincerely,


The School Office Team
