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Newsletter - w/c 28/06/21

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please see below for some important notices about school life:   


Sibling Photographs - Monday 28 June 2021


If you have made an appointment for a sibling photograph, and if you plan to bring a baby, toddler or nursery-aged child to be in the photograph, please make sure you arrive on time via the School Office, and please keep in mind that you will be required to wear a face covering unless you are medically exempt.  


Remember, if your children are in school, and you do not plan to bring a baby, toddler or nursery-aged child to be in the photograph, you do not need to come to school as we will collect the children from class for their photograph.  


If you have any questions or queries about this, please telephone or e-mail the School Office to speak to one of the Office Administrators: Mrs Chamberlain or Mrs Pace.  


Annual Reports


You will receive your child's annual report in the week commencing Monday 12 July 2021 - this will include information about their attainment, progress and effort in all subjects, as well as information relating to attendance and the name of your child's class teacher for next year.  You will have the option of meeting your child's current class teacher before or after school if you have any questions about your child's annual report and the instructions for making this appointment are included in the report. 




This is a polite reminder that children need to be in their classroom by 8:55am.  


We have had quite a few children arriving late after 8:55am and entering via the School Office.  Remember, arriving late affects attendance and makes children feel uncomfortable as they don't like to be late to class.  


In a few weeks, we will do our annual prize draw for those children who have maintained 100% attendance.  The winning child will receive a brand-new tablet and some brand-new reading books and we will announce the winner on Facebook.


Sports Day


Sports Day for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is on Wednesday 30 June 2021 and for children in Years 3-6, Sports Day is on Thursday 1 July 2021.  


The children must come to school wearing their PE kit, including a t-shirt the colour of their House Team - the teachers have published a post on Facebook to remind parents/carers of which House Team their child is in, but please speak to your child's teacher if you are unsure.  The children must also bring a water bottle and we strongly suggest all children put on factor 30 sunscreen before coming to school to avoid sunburn. 


We know parents/carers are disappointed that they won't be able to attend our Sports Day.  We were very much looking forward to restrictions being lifted, so we share your disappointment.  Although schools are allowed to have parents/carers attend in groups of 30, we do not have the resources to keep parents/carers fenced into groups of 30, and because of how we organise our Sports Day with a carousel of activities, it would become difficult for the one parent/carer attending for the child to see them clearly.  Also, we didn't want to create family disagreements where potentially both parents wish to attend, but only one parent is permitted to spectate.  Ultimately, we want the day to be a fun experience for the children, and so we will be sure to organise it safely and effectively so that all the children enjoy themselves, and those children with sporting prowess are able to demonstrate their talents.  Teachers will post many photographs and videos on their class Facebook page so we suggest you check in with Facebook regularly, writing supportive comments which the teachers may then show to the children.  Of course, if your child is on the 'No to Photos' list, we will not publish photographs/videos with them visible.      


Relationships and Sex Education


If you have not done so already, please click here to watch a webinar about our relationships and sex education.  The children will be taught these lessons by their class teacher in July.  As a reminder, this is now a statutory subject and so it is compulsory for all children.  The only exception is in Year 6 where we have made the decision to teach the children about sex.  We do this both to complement the statutory learning in Year 6 science about how living things produce offspring that are not identical to their parents, and because many of our Year 6 children have smartphones and tell us they view unsuitable material, so we want them to have a correct understanding to keep them safe.  If you have a child in Year 6, and you wish to withdraw them from the lessons about sex, you must e-mail or write a letter to the Headteacher to make your request known.  Equally, if you have any questions or concerns about this learning, please feel free to speak to a member of staff you trust (e.g. your child's teacher).  






Yours sincerely,



The Administration Team


01992 624099




