Newsletter - w/c - 22/03/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for a few notices about school life:
Breakfast Club & Wraparound Care (Summer Term)
From Monday at 4:00pm via the SchoolGateway app, parents/carers will be able to book their child's place at Breakfast Club and/or Wraparound Care for the summer term. Of course, if you cannot afford to pay for the whole term in advance, you may book and pay for some of the sessions now, and then book and pay for the remaining sessions in the coming weeks and months.
Please note, if you have a credit on your account from this term, it will appear on your SchoolGateway app on Monday. Parents/carers may then use this credit to go towards the cost of bookings in the summer term.
Coffee Morning
Mrs Bye (Family Support Worker) will continue to hold the weekly Coffee Morning on a Wednesday morning on the front playground. Any parent/carer may join once they have dropped off their child/ren.
Half-termly Curriculum E-mail
At the end of next week, parents/carers will receive an e-mail from their child's class teacher setting out what children will be taught after the Easter Holidays, and this e-mail will include a list of assemblies and other important events (e.g. workshops).
Last Day of the Spring Term
The last day of the spring term is Friday 26 March 2021. You must collect your children from 1:45-2:15pm from their classroom as normal, unless your child has permission to walk home alone.
School will be closed for the Easter Holidays from Saturday 27 March 2021 till Sunday 11 April 2021 and so the first day back to school will be Monday 12 April 2021 from 8:30am. We will be doing a den-building day on that day, so your child won't want to miss it!
Yours sincerely
The Administration Team
01992 624099