Newsletter - w/c - 22/02/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some notices about school life:
A Thank You and a Prize Draw
When schools reopen fully, we will also be rewarding the children in school and at home who have worked hard throughout this period of school closure. Mrs Geggus (Assistant Headteacher for KS2) met with the School Council remotely and they have listed ideas for a reward, including, a mobile ice rink, an inflatable assault course, an arts and crafts workshop and many more. To access this reward, a child needs to have worked hard, following our school values, throughout this period of school closure either at home or in school.
A big thank you to those parents/carers who have worked hard with their child/ren over the past six weeks, supporting their learning at home or supporting their learning by bringing them to school. A big thank you also to the teachers and support staff who work hard to make sure our school runs smoothly during challenging circumstances. Of course, a big thank you as well to the children who have shown self-control, by listening to adults' instructions straight away, and perseverance, by trying to work independently and learning from any mistakes they made with their work in school or at home.
As a reminder, there will be a prize draw when school reopens to reward those parents/carers who teachers have identified (through their weekly telephone calls and from the work handed in on-line or via the paper packs) as having worked hard to support their child's learning - this also includes those parents/carers who have brought their child to school every day and on time. The first-place prize is a £150 supermarket voucher, the second-place prize is a £75 supermarket voucher, and the third-place prize is a £50 supermarket voucher.
Remote Education (including Google Classroom, Home Learning Packs and Reading Books)
Due to the ever-increasing number of children returning to school, we require all our teachers in school after February half term. As such, we will be closing Google Classroom from 22/02/21 and our remote education will be provided via the home learning packs. This means all families with children working remotely will need to visit school on 22/02/21 to collect home learning packs which contain two weeks' worth of schoolwork.
On Monday 22 February 2021, one parent/carer with or without their child/ren, may visit school to return any completed home packs and to return any borrowed reading books. We will then be able to supply new home learning packs and/or new reading books. Please note, you must return any reading books borrowed - we cannot afford to keep replacing books that have not been returned to school.
If you have more than one child, please visit at the time allocated to your eldest child's year group. You should enter the premises by the large pedestrian gate, and you must wear a face covering to enter the building.
09:15-09:35 - Reception
09:35-09:55 - Year 1
09:55-10:15 - Year 2
13:00-13:20 - Year 3
13:20-13:40 - Year 4
13:40-14:00 - Year 5
14:00-14:20 - Year 6
Contact Details
It is very important that we have up-to-date contact details for you. If you have recently changed your telephone number, or if you just want to make sure we have the correct contact details for your child, please e-mail to share the names, relationship (e.g. parent, family friend) and telephone numbers for three emergency contacts.
We are currently advertising two vacancies: a teaching assistant and a learning support assistant. If you or someone you know has the qualifications and experience, and is interested in applying, please click the links to read the adverts and to find out how to complete an application.
Parent and Carer Consultation Evening - 11/03/21
We will be holding our Parent and Carer Consultation Evening remotely on Thursday 11 March 2021, 3:30-9:00pm.
On Monday 22 February 2021, you will receive an e-mail invitation to book a 10-minute appointment with your child's class teacher.
In the week commencing 22/02/21, when your child's teacher or a teaching assistant telephone you, they will ask if you would like the appointment on 11/03/21 via telephone or via video conferencing using Google Meet.
If you have a child in Reception, we will be adopting a new model for our parent and carer meetings so you will not receive an e-mail invitation, but we will be in touch in the coming weeks to share the details of when you will be meeting your child's class teacher.
01992 624099
Yours sincerely,
The Administration Team
Hurst Drive Primary School