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Newsletter - w/c 19/07/21

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please see below for some important notices about school life:


Last Day of Term - Wednesday 21 July 2021


The school year will finish on Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 1:45pm.  On this day, we will be holding our prize draw for those children who have maintained 100% attendance, and the winning child will win a brand-new Amazon Fire tablet along with a selection of brand-new age-appropriate reading books.  So long as the child has permission to have his/her photograph on-line, we will reveal the winner via our Facebook page.  


Please note, we will be holding class parties on this day, so children are welcome to come to school in non-school uniform, and parents/carers are welcome to donate some juice or nut-free snacks for the children to enjoy. 


Move Up Day - Tuesday 20 July 2021


On Tuesday, every child will spend the afternoon in their new classroom with their new class teacher to help prepare them for the change in September 2021.  They will be returned to class for the end of the day so you may collect your child as normal from their current classroom.  


Free School Meals - Summer Holiday - Supermarket Voucher


If you have a child eligible for free school meals, you will receive an e-mail from on Monday 19 July 2021 with a code for you to exchange for a £50 supermarket voucher to help you buy food for your children.  If you haven't received your e-mail by Tuesday, please contact the School Office.  Make sure you check your clutter/junk e-mail before contacting the School Office.   


Breakfast Club & Wraparound Care - Autumn 2021


Tomorrow - Friday 16 July 2021 - at noon, the system will go live for parents/carers to make bookings for Breakfast Club and Wraparound Care for the autumn term.  You may click here to read more information about this before- and after-school care.


Parent and Carer Survey 2021


Thank you to every parent/carer who took the time to complete the survey - you may click here to read the results.  We will take your feedback to ensure we keep improving the school further to best serve the children and the community.      


Reporting Concerns about a Child


During the Summer Holidays, parents/carers may see or hear something about a child that worries them.  If you are concerned about a child's safety, please telephone the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.  Of course, if you are worried a child is at immediate risk of harm, telephone the police on 999.  








Yours sincerely,




The Administration Team


01992 624099

