Newsletter - w/c 18/01/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important notices about school life:
Remote Learning
A big thank you to those parents/carers making sure their child/ren complete the learning set by their teacher.
Regarding remote learning, some parents/carers have queried why we're not organising live teaching. We have chosen not to do live teaching, knowing that many of our children are sharing a laptop or tablet with a sibling or siblings so this wouldn't work well. We also know that some parents/carers are managing working from home (or caring for babies and/or toddlers) with supporting their child's remote learning and so we wanted to make it possible for parents/carers to decide when best to complete the assignments set. We are pleased that many parents/carers are grateful for the flexibility involved in how we've organised our remote learning.
Please know that behind the scenes the teachers are working very hard - I know they would appreciate a note of thanks via Facebook Messenger or Google Classroom. Similarly, if you have a child in school, those staff members working with them are doing their very best to keep school as normal as possible for the children, ensuring they work hard and have time to play with their friends - they too would appreciate a note of thanks via an e-mail to the school or by mentioning it in person. Some parents/carers have already done this and it means more to the staff than any physical gift you could buy them so thank you.
Now that the children, parents/carers and teachers are growing in confidence with using Google Classroom, we would like to introduce using Google Meet - a video conferencing platform linked to Google Classroom. This is because we want to organise an opportunity for the children to socialise with their classmates once a week.
Next week, your child's teacher will organise a short activity for 15-30 minutes that will allow the children to see one another on screen with opportunities to talk, be it through live interaction or the chat feature. Your child's teacher will share the details with you via Google Classroom.
Reading Books, Report Cards & Home Learning Packs
To return a home learning pack, collect a home learning pack, collect a report card and/or collect reading books, we are allowing one parent/carer with their child onto the school premises on Monday at the times listed below. I am afraid there isn't time to gather and chat so we will apologise now for rushing you onto and then off our site.
We know many families have more than one child but please note, we will be putting out specific books for each phase, so, if you have more than one child, you will need to visit more than once that day. Alternatively, if you have a child in Years 5 and 6, and you are comfortable with them walking to and from school themselves, we are more than happy for those older children to visit school alone.
Monday 18 January 2021 - Front Playground
9:15-9:35am - Reception
9:35-9:55am - Year 1
9:55-10:15am - Year 2
1:00-1:20pm - Year 3
1:20-1:40pm - Year 4
1:40-2:00pm - Year 5
2:00-2:20pm - Year 6
We will do this again on Monday 1 February 2021 with the same times, allowing children to return/borrow reading books and return/collect home learning packs.
Please note, if your child is in school, their report card will be given to them to take home. Any uncollected report cards will be posted to the address we have on file for your child.
School Places for Children of Critical Workers
The Government has changed the guidance given to schools. For any new requests we receive from parents/carers about returning their child to school, we will need to question you to establish whether you or another adult is working from home, and, if you are, we will direct you to keep your child at home to access their learning remotely. As I'm sure you know, we do not enjoy refusing a child a place in school. We hope soon to be able to welcome every child back to school.
Food Parcels for Children Eligible for Free School Meals
If you collected a food parcel last week, your next food parcel will be ready for collection from the School Office on Monday 18 January 2021 at noon. If you did not request a parcel before but require one now, please e-mail stating your child/ren's name/s and we will get back to you.
Please note, if you believe your financial circumstances have changed and your child/ren may now be eligible for free school meals, please click here to apply - you will need your National Insurance number or Home Office number.
Applying for a Primary School Place for September 2021
If you or someone you know has a child starting primary school in September 2021, and they live in Hertfordshire, they must click here, and if they live in Enfield, they must click here, to apply for their primary school place by Friday 15 January 2021. If they apply after that date, they may not get one of their preferred schools.
Yours sincerely,
The School Office Team
Hurst Drive Primary School
01992 624099