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Newsletter - w/c 15/07/19

Please see below for the weekly newsletter e-mailed out to parents/carers. If you have not received this e-mail, please speak to the Office Team so they may check that the e-mail address we have on file for you is correct.  Thank you.


Reading Books and Hertfordshire Libraries' Summer Reading Challenge 


If your child has any school reading books at home, please kindly return them to school next week.  Sometimes children worry that if they come into school with a bag of books that they'll be in trouble for not returning them sooner - please let them know they will not be in trouble for enjoying the books; however, we do need them returned so the next class may enjoy them too. 


Please also take your child to the library in Waltham Cross so they may take part in the Summer Reading Challenge.  Click here to find out more information.   


Don't forget that encouraging and helping your child to read is the most important thing you can do as a parent to help your child with their education - all the children in Year 6 who have attained the highest grades in their SATs this year are the children who read widely and often.  If you want your child to grow up to have lots of opportunities, please read to them, please read with them and please encourage them to read alone.  Thank you.    


Monday 15th July 2019 - Year 1 Trip: Southend-on-Sea 


Because Year 1 have been learning about seaside holidays in the past in history and making seaside snacks in design technology, the teachers have organised a school trip to Southend-on-Sea on Monday 15th July 2019.   


For this trip, the children are welcome to wear non-school uniform, and we recommend you use sunscreen on your child and give them a sunhat.   


Your child should arrive in school at the usual time and we hope to be back by 4:00pm.  


 Please note we have recently used the train to travel to destinations which has proven much cheaper and more reliable in getting the children back to school on time.  Next year, where possible, we will aim to use public transport in place of coaches to reduce costs and avoid parents/carers waiting for their children to return to school.  


Wednesday 17th July 2019 - Hurst Drive Heroes Assembly at 2:30pm 


As you'll know, each term, your child's teacher selects a girl and a boy from their class who always follow the school rules.  If you received a text/e-mail inviting you to this assembly, it means your child has been selected to receive a certificate and a medal to thank them for making our school a great place to work and learn in.  We hope you or a family member/friend can attend.   


If you would like to see the videos we've made previously for our Hurst Drive Hero assemblies, please click here.  


Thursday 18th July 2019 - Year 6 Production to Parents/Carers at 1:45pm


Having performed to EYFS, KS1 and KS2 earlier in the week, the Year 6 children will be ready to showcase their acting and singing skills to their parents/carers on Thursday afternoon in their production of Cinderella and Rockerfella.  We look forward to welcoming lots of Year 6 parents/carers on that afternoon. 


If possible, please arrange for babies and toddlers to be cared for at home so that the Year 6 children can concentrate fully on their performance.  Also, if you do decide to photograph or record parts of the production, please avoid holding your smartphone up as this will block the view of those sitting behind you.  We appreciate your support with this.  


Friday 19th July 2019 - Last Day of Term 


Please keep in mind the following information for the last day of term:


  • Children may wear non-school uniform to school and they may bring in some snacks or juice to share with their classmates at a class party in the morning;


  • There will be a special graduation assembly for Year 6 children and their parents/carers starting at around 9:00am;  


  • We will also be holding our annual prize draw where any child with 100% attendance and/or any child who has achieved a certificate in Celebration Assembly this year will have the opportunity to win a brand-new Amazon Fire tablet; and,


  • School finishes at 1:45pm and there are no after-school clubs so please arrange for your child to be collected on time from their usual collection point.   


Dinner Money 


Please could all dinner Money for next week and any outstanding balances please be settled on Monday 15th July 2019. Thank you. 


School Uniform - September 2019 Onward 


School uniform every child from Reception to Year 6 will need from September 2019 onward.  The main point to note is that no child will wear a shirt and tie; instead, they will wear a white polo shirt with their school-branded V-neck jumper or cardigan.   

Please also purchase your child some smart, black shoes (not trainers) to wear in school.  


Thank you.


Yours sincerely,

The School Office Team

Hurst Drive Primary School 

01992 624099

