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Newsletter- w/c - 14/12/20

Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important notices about school life for the final week of the autumn term:
Hurst Drive Hero - Autumn 2020
Please click here to watch a video, showing which children (and staff) have been awarded Hurst Drive Hero this term - an award we give to those who make our school a better place to learn and work in.  
Geography Competition - Deadline Extended
Mrs McFadyen (Pear Class Teacher & Subject Leader for Geography) has extended the deadline for submitting entries for the Geography competition.  The deadline is now Wednesday 6 January 2021 (i.e. the first day back to school after the Christmas Holidays).  You may find details of the competition here.  
Half-termly Curriculum E-mails
Next week, you will receive an e-mail from your child's teacher detailing all the learning and events that will happen in Spring 1 (which is the half term starting Wednesday 6 January 2021 and finishing Friday 12 February 2021). 
This is in response to our 2020 Parent and Carer Survey where parents and carers requested more information about what their child is learning in school.
If you're not doing so already, remember to follow both the Hurst Drive Primary School page on Facebook and send a friend request to your child/ren's class page on Facebook to keep up with what's going on in school.  If you're having any difficulty doing this, speak to your child's class teacher at home time or send an e-mail to school and someone will help you.   
Nasal Flu Vaccination - Mop-up Session - Wednesday 16 December 2020
Those children who were unable to have their vaccination in November, and whose parents have completed the forms giving permission, will have their flu vaccination on Wednesday afternoon.  
If you would like your child to have this vaccination, but you have not completed the forms, please telephone or e-mail the school urgently and Mrs Pace (Office Administrator) will help you.  
Christmas Dinner Day - Wednesday 16 December 2020
We will be holding our annual Christmas Dinner Day on Wednesday.  If you would like your child to have a school meal, you must book one using School Grid.  Remember, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to a free school meal.  If your child is in Years 3-6 and they are not entitled to free school meals, you will need to pay £2.60 for them to have this meal - you can pay on SchoolGrid or on SchoolGateway.  Otherwise, you are welcome to provide a healthy packed lunch from home.  
Class Christmas Parties - Thursday 17 December 2020
On Thursday, the children may come to school in non-school uniform, preferably their party clothes, so that after their English and maths lessons in the mornings, they may party the afternoon away with their teacher, teaching assistant and friends in the classroom.  
We are seeking donations of food and drink for the children to be brought into class on the day.  Any items you donate must be individually packaged.  For example, instead of a bottle of juice, please provide cartons of juice that come with straws.  We cannot accept any items of food containing nuts.  Please speak to your child's class teacher if you would prefer your child not eat or drink items donated for these parties and the teacher will honour your wishes.    
Last Day of Term - Friday 18 December 2020
To reward the children in Eagle House (i.e. Red House) for achieving the most weekly wins for having the greatest number of house points, we have organised for winter-themed bouncy castles to be placed in our Main Hall to allow the children to jump into the Christmas Holiday spirit - of course, children will only be using the inflatables with children from their 'bubble' and we will clean between each use.  The children who have maintained 100% attendance (not including any periods of self-isolation due to COVID-19) will also get to take part.
On the last day of term, Friday 18 December 2020, children must be collected from 1:35-2:00pm.  Please note, Wraparound Care is not running on Friday 18 December 2020.  
Before- and after-school Clubs - Spring Term
We are aiming to reintroduce after-school clubs in the week commencing Monday 11 January 2021.  You may click here to see what clubs we have on offer and you may book your child's place using the SchoolGateway app.
Bookings for Breakfast Club and Wraparound Care for the spring term go live on the SchoolGateway app on Friday 18 December 2020 at noon.  
This is a reminder to parents/carers of children who have a school meal to ensure you book these in advance.  We recommend booking all your child's meals for the week ahead on a Sunday.  Remember, if you do not select a meal for your child they will have the default option of a jacket potato with cheese and/or beans and assorted salad.  


Kind regards,
The School Office Team
Hurst Drive Primary School    
01992 624099