Newsletter - w/c 14/09/20
Dear Parent/Carer,
We hope your first week with the children back in school has been an enjoyable one; we continue to be thankful for your support, knowing that many parents/carers remain anxious about the pandemic. We will continue working hard to keep the school running safely and smoothly for you and your children. Please see below for some important notices about school life:
A Change to the Staggered Entry/Exit
We have taken feedback from parents/carers and teachers alike. Starting Monday 14 September 2020, we are adopting a lengthy staggered start and exit to have the same effect as the one we organised this week but with more flexibility for parents/carers who we know work or have to drop off other children to nursery school, secondary school or college.
Next week, and for the weeks after leading up to the Christmas Holidays, you may drop off your child/ren between 8:35-9:00am and you may collect your child/ren between 3:00-3:25pm. This is the same for Reception parents/carers once your child is staying for full days.
Please note the following:
- it is very important that only one parent/carer bring and collect the child/ren;
- maintain social distancing - in other words, don't gather in areas and be prepared to space out - we have a big site with plenty of space; and,
- the gates will open at 8:30am and at 2:55pm - please do not arrive early and gather outside the gates as it is adult to adult (rather than child to child or child to adult) transmission of coronavirus that is proving the most worrying.
Please also note, any child who arrives after 9:00am will need to enter via the School Office, and, depending on how late you arrive, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence (which, as the unauthorised absences build up in this term and the next, may result in the local authority issuing a parent/carer with a fixed penalty notice). As well, if you have not collected your child by 3:25pm, they will be taken to the Dining Hall for late collection. We keep a record of how many times a child is collected late as it is one of the signs of neglect in the family and we inform Children's Services as needed.
Thank you to those parents/carers who always bring their child/ren to school on time and collect them on time as well - it helps to keep the children feeling safe and secure which creates a happy, confident child.
Remember, children in Years 3-6 should walk themselves to their classroom door on Monday but you are welcome to still collect them from their classroom door at the end of the day. If you want to give permission for your child to walk home alone or to walk themselves down to the front playground to meet you, please write a letter or send an e-mail to the school to let us know.
Wraparound Care/Breakfast Club
For Wraparound Care, originally, to keep the group of up to 15 children consistent, we stated a parent/carer had to book all the slots for their child/ren. However, we are changing the arrangement so that a parent/carer may book the slots they wish to use, but with the understanding that your child will only be able to play with a child or children from their year group, meaning, if they are the only child attending Wraparound Care that day from their year group, they will need to play alone, supervised by Miss Rowe and Miss Thomas. Please do not complain about this to staff as it's the only way we can run the provision in line with the guidance.
If you have already booked, a member of the School Office will be telephoning you to confirm which days/dates you want, and, if your account is in credit, we can either refund you the money or keep it as a credit to book slots for the next half term.
If you haven't booked, but you are now interested in booking, you will only be able to see the new booking (which will go live on Monday) if you've used Wraparound Care previously. If you are new to using our Wraparound Care, you will need to e-mail or telephone the school for the attention of Mrs Chamberlain.
Please note, we can only accommodate 15 children. Once the spaces are filled, a parent/carer will need to arrange their own childcare. If you click here, you can search for a local, Ofsted-approved childminder.
Please be aware Breakfast Club is now full for this Half Term. However, after the October half term, you will be able to book individual days.
Returning Reading Books
We are pleased that so many children benefited from taking reading books home over the summer; however, we now have a shortage of reading books, particularly in Years 5 and 6. Please have a look around your home, or have your child look through their belongings, so you may return any schoolbooks to either your child's class teacher or the School Office.
School Dog - Babs
We now have a school dog and her name is Babs. Her owner is Ms Dulieu, School Business Manager. Babs is currently having training, and, when she is ready, she will be able to sit with children and have them read to her or to have them pet her. We have a risk assessment in place for our school dog that includes her always being on a harness and lead when with children, and only being visited by children who wish to see her - we would never force a child who is afraid of dogs to spend time with Babs. Please can you contact the School Office if your child is allergic to dogs (more specifically, pet hair) so we may update our medical needs lists.
Secondary School Admissions (for Year 6 parents/carers)
Parents/Carers of children in Year 6 should note that you can apply for your child's secondary school by clicking here. The deadline to apply is 31 October 2020. If you need any help applying, please visit the School Office and we will arrange for someone to help you.
Many parents/carers follow the Hurst Drive Primary School page on Facebook but fewer parents/carers follow their child's class Facebook page. If you search for your child's class, for example, 'Cherry Class' you will find them on Facebook and can send a friend request to the teacher. You will then get daily updates of some of the learning going on in class so you may talk to your child about it after school. Please remind other parents/carers you are friends with to do the same and please don't feel shy about commenting on posts; I know the teachers really appreciate it when parents and carers do this.
Swimming - Years 4 & 6
Lots of the children have asked about swimming, particularly the current Year 5 children who missed their swimming lessons in Year 4 due to lockdown. Unfortunately, we do not know exactly when swimming lessons will be able to go ahead but rest assured, when we are able to hire the pool again, we will work hard to make sure all the children who need their swimming lessons receive them.