Newsletter - w/c 12/07/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see below for some important information about school life:
Families First
Please click here to go to the Families First website which details support for families with children aged 18 and under (or aged 25 and under if the young person has a special educational need or disability).
If you do need support, please also telephone or e-mail Mrs Bye (Family Support Worker). Many parents/carer won't be aware of lots of the good work completed by Mrs Bye - she has supported families with everything from aggressive and bogus landlords to helping parents manage children's behaviour in the home.
Annual Reports & Class Allocations
From Monday 12 July 2021, every child will take home their annual report, detailing their attainment and progress across the curriculum in this school year. There will also be a letter telling you which class your child will be in next year and which teacher will be teaching them. Some year groups will have additional assessment information:
- If your child is in Year 1, they will have a sheet explaining whether they met the standard in the mock Phonics Screening Check.
- If your child is in Year 2 or Year 6, they will have a sheet explaining whether they met the standard in reading, writing and maths in the mock standardised assessment tests.
If you have any questions about the content of your child's report, you may speak to one of the Office Administrators to make an appointment to meet with your child's teacher in person or via the telephone.
Friends of Hurst Drive - End-of-Year Raffle
On Wednesday 14 July 2021, the Friends of Hurst Drive will be selling strips of raffle tickets for £1 on the front playground after school, so parents/carers may be in with a chance to win one of the prize hampers.
Hawk House (Blue House) - Winners' Treat
As they collected the most house points over the summer term, the children in Hawk House (i.e. the blue team) will have a special treat on Friday 16 July 2021. They may come to school in blue non-school uniform, and they will get to enjoy some bouncy castles and have a tasty treat or two!
Parent and Carer Survey 2021
The survey is now closed. We had over a 100 responses which is fantastic! We will collate the results and publish them for parents/carers next week.
Yours sincerely,
The Administration Team
01992 624099