Newsletter w/c- 12/04/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find below some important notices about the school:
Last Day of Term - Friday 26 March 2021
Tomorrow is the last day of the spring term. Children must be collected from 1:45-2:15pm from their classroom, unless they have permission to exit the classroom alone. Remember, there are no after-school clubs on the last day of term, including Wraparound Care.
The school will be closed for two weeks for the Easter Holidays and will reopen on Monday 12 April 2021 from 8:30am. On the first day back, Mrs Lloyd (Safeguarding Coordinator) has organised a den-building day so we hope to have 100% attendance so no child misses out on this fun activity.
Pupil Vacancies
Do you know any families who are looking for a new school for their children? If so, we currently have a few spaces in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5. Please direct them to make an in-year admission via Hertfordshire County Council.
Local History Day
We are celebrating Local History Day on Friday 7 May 2021. Each year group will learn about the history of Waltham Cross, particularly about Edward the First and the Eleanor Cross.
Miss Tyler (Beech Class Teacher & Subject Leader for History) would like to arrange for every year group to have a visitor - someone who has lived in Waltham Cross for some time and who may be able to share their knowledge or experiences of the area. For example, showing the children photographs or even just speaking about the changes to the local area (e.g. Did you know there used to be a...? etc.)
If you or someone you know would be able to visit the school in person or remotely (e.g. via Zoom) then please e-mail or speak to Miss Tyler (Beech Class Teacher).
Missing Earring
A parent/carer lost an earring on the playground that holds sentimental value. If you or your child picked up an earring - a hoop with precious stones - please bring it to the School Office.
A parent/carer wants to make others aware that her teenage son was approached by four males in a vehicle who tried to encourage him to get into their vehicle. Thankfully, the teenage son is safe and well, and the incident is being dealt with by the Police but this parent/carer is mindful some older children walk home alone and so wanted to make you all aware. Our teachers will talk to the children about staying safe so it is important parents/carers do this as well.
School Meals
Please remember to use SchoolGrid to book your child's meals for the next term.
Please also note that the cost of a school meal is increasing from £2.60 to £2.65 after the Easter Holidays. Of course, if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, or if your child is eligible for Free School Meals, there is no charge for your child to have a school meal.
School Uniform
School uniform is important for two reasons: it makes all the children look and feel smart and it prepares them for adulthood where how you dress and present yourself for work is an important part of success. Over the Easter Holidays, please make sure you purchase the correct school uniform for your child. If you are having financial troubles, we may be able to help so please speak to a member of staff you trust and we will see what we can do.
You may also find their website by clicking here.
KS2 Outdoor Club
Due to the popularity of the KS1 Outdoor Club, Mrs Hudson (Midday Supervisory Assistant) is going to run a KS2 Outdoor Club after the Easter Holidays. If you would like your child to attend, you should book their place via the SchoolGateway app. Please note, if your child has been booked onto a club but has not attended, we will be removing them from the register after the Easter Holidays to let those children on the waiting list attend.
We wish all our families a restful two-week break and we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 12 April 2021.
Yours sincerely,
The Administration Team