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Newsletter - w/c 08/06/20

Dear Parent/Carer,


It has been wonderful having many of the Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children back to school this week.  We have really missed them and continue to miss those children who cannot attend school at this time.  We trust you are all keeping well and we look forward to the day when we may all be back together again as a whole school community.


Please see below for a few key notices about school life:


Home Learning - Workbooks


From our telephone calls to children and families, we know some families are struggling with on-line learning, either because they do not own a laptop or because of issues with the internet.  We have some workbooks in school that we are happy to donate to families who need them.


If you would like a workbook for your child, please visit the school between 10:00am - 2:00pm on a weekday to collect.  


Water Bottles


As a reminder, those children attending school must have a water bottle, preferably a large, reusable water bottle, as our water fountains are currently not in use.  


Drop off/Collection Times


For those families now bringing their child/ren to school, please avoid arriving early as the point of a staggered start is to reduce the number of adults and children on site at any one time.  


Waiting List for School Places


If you told us you planned to keep your Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 child at home, but your circumstances change and you want them in school, your child's name will be placed on a waiting list.  This is because we are being very strict about keeping our 'bubbles' (i.e. groups of children and staff) the same to avoid the possible spread of infection.  Please be aware that your child may be on the waiting list for some time while we wait for there to be enough children in that year group to warrant arranging for a supply teacher to teach them.  


Supermarket Vouchers


If your child is eligible for free school meals, and they are not in school, you will receive an e-mail from Edenred on Monday 8 June 2020 with a new code for you to exchange for a supermarket voucher.  Please note, this allocation will be for a week and you will receive another e-mail on Monday 15 June 2020.


Please remember to check your junk and clutter to find the e-mail before contacting the school.  Please also be aware that we can see when a voucher has been redeemed.  If you redeem your code for a supermarket voucher but the e-mail does not arrive with the voucher, you have to e-mail to let them know, giving your name and the e-code you used which will be in the e-mail you received from Edenred.  They will then e-mail you a replacement voucher.    



Yours sincerely,

The School Office Team Hurst Drive Primary School    

01992 624099
