Newsletter - w/c - 07/06/21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find below some important notices about school life, remembering that school is closed next week for the half term break and reopens on Monday 7 June 2021:
Monday 7 June 2021 - Dress-up as an Animal Day for the Wood Green Animal Charity
Every child in our school is placed into a House Team: Eagle House, Falcon House, Hawk House or Kestrel House. Each of these House Teams has a local charity it supports, and for Falcon House, this charity is the Wood Green Animal Charity
On Monday 7 June 2021, we are inviting all children to come to school dressed as an animal. There will be prizes for those children whose costumes show the most creativity!
We are asking for a donation of £1 per child, or whatever you can spare.
Curriculum E-mails
You will have received an e-mail this week from your child's teacher, detailing what your child will learn next half term. Remember, we introduced these e-mails in response to the Parent and Carer Survey to ensure parents/carers received information about the curriculum six times each year.
Attendance E-mails
Parents/Carers will receive an e-mail this week detailing their child's attendance at this point in the year. It will state whether your child's attendance is rated red, amber or green with green signifying attendance that is in line or above the national average for a child in England.
Please note, arriving late reduces your child's attendance, and so affects their learning and confidence - after all, no child enjoys walking into the classroom when the lesson has already begun without them. If you are someone who brings their child late to school, please make a special effort in the final half term to wake a little earlier so your child may arrive to school on time ready to learn and socialise with their classmates.
Kickboxing/Self-Defence Classes for Parents/Carers
Mrs Bye (Family Support Worker) has listened to ideas from parents/carers at the weekly coffee morning and found an instructor, Glenn, who will lead kickboxing and self-defence classes for parents/carers in school.
We want to begin these classes in September so we have listed the details below and we would appreciate it if you could let Mrs Bye know in person or via e-mail to if you would attend these classes. Of course, they may only go ahead if enough people are willing to attend.
What? Kickboxing & Self-defence Classes.
Why? To build fitness and build confidence in keeping safe.
When? Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00pm.
Where? Hurst Drive Primary School in the Main Hall.
How much? £8 per session paid monthly in advance (i.e. £32 on average each month).
How many? There are spaces for 26 adults.
After-School Clubs for Children
Since the last Parent and Carer Survey, we have listened to parents/carers to introduce as many after-school clubs as possible - this hasn't been easy during the pandemic! You may click here to see what we currently have on offer for June and July, and you will note that most clubs are free. Parents/carers must use the SchoolGateway app to book (and pay for) their child's space at an after-school club.
Please be aware that if you book a space for your child, but your child does not attend, we will remove them from the register and allow a child on the waiting list to attend in their place.
Breakfast Club - Charge Increase
Due to the running cost increasing, from Monday 28 June 2021, the daily charge per child will be £2. This is £2 for an hour's childcare, including a breakfast, so we hope you will agree that it remains good value for money. We are providing one month's notice of this change in line with our Wraparound Childcare Policy.
If you have already booked places up to the Summer Holidays, these will appear as a credit on your account when you go to book your child/ren's spaces for the w/c 28/06/21 - w/c 19/07/21.
Yours sincerely,
The Administration Team
01992 624099