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Newsletter - w/c 03/05/21

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please find below some important notices about school life:


A Message from Mrs Emma Kight (Chair of Governors)


Dear Parents and Carers,


On behalf of the Governors of Hurst Drive, I am delighted to be able to tell you that Mrs Forrest (Deputy Headteacher) will become our Acting Headteacher from September 2021.


This is a fantastic outcome for the school and I am sure you will join me in congratulating her.


Kind regards,


Emma Kight

Chair of Governors


May Bank Holiday - Monday 3 May 2021 - School Closed


School is closed on Monday 3 May 2021 due to it being the first May Bank Holiday.  Children must return to school on Tuesday 4 May 2021.  


Pleasingly, lots of the children whose parents/carers received an e-mail in March stating their child's attendance was red (serious concern) or amber (concern) are now rated green (no concern) because they have worked hard to arrive at school every day and on time.  You will receive your next attendance e-mail at the end of May or the start of June and we are sure many of you will be pleased with the improvement in your child's attendance record.    


Wear Red Day - Tuesday 4 May 2021


Every child in our school is assigned to one of our four House Teams, and each House Team has a local charity who they raise money for once a year.  Eagle House is linked to Essex and Herts Air Ambulance.  To raise money for this charity, the children may come to school wearing red clothing on Tuesday 4 May 2021.  We are asking for a donation of £1 (or whatever you may spare) per child.  


Polling Day - Thursday 6 May 2021


On Thursday 6 May 2021, our School will be used as a polling station so local residents may cast a vote for the Police and Crime Commissioner as well as for their local council representatives.  School will be open as usual and we will have systems in place to ensure our children are kept safe and separate from members of the public.  


Local History Day - Friday 7 May 2021


Miss Tyler (Subject Leader for History) has organised a day's worth of events for the children across the school to learn about the history of Waltham Cross.  This includes making activities and special visitors.  Be sure to ask your child what they learned when they return home from school that day.  





Yours sincerely,


The Administration Team


01992 624099


