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Newsletter - w/c 02/09/19

Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.   


New School Term Begins


We very much look forward to welcoming you and the children back to school on Thursday 5th September 2019 at 8:40am.  Parents and carers of children moving up to Year 3 are welcome to walk with the children to their classroom door on Thursday and Friday but from Monday, your child must walk from the playground to their classroom door independently.




Please click here to read about the importance of school attendance and what will happen if your child's attendance drops below the national average of 96%.  


In short, if your child's attendance drops below 96% (which will happen quickly if they are absent from school next week) you will receive a formal warning letter telling you we will not authorise any absence without medical proof.  If after that letter your child has 15 unauthorised absence sessions (which is the same as 7 and a half school days) you will receive an Appendix A letter and will likely receive a fine from the local authority shortly after that.  


We know many parents and carers find this process unfair; however, all research shows that children who attend school regularly do better at school and in adulthood.  We have our own school example of this where those Year 6 children with attendance above 96% outperformed those with attendance below 96% in this year's SATs.  Of the 20 children with attendance below 96%, 55% of them passed their SATs, whereas for the 39 children with attendance above 96%, 77% of them passed the tests - a big difference!


Please make sure your child comes to school every day and on time - we want to make sure every child leaves Year 6 ready for their secondary school education.  


It's a Knockout! 


On the first day back to school, we have organised a fun competition between the four house teams.  The children will take part in an inflatable obstacle course and the house team who complete the course in the shortest amount of time will be one step closer to winning the termly, all-expenses-paid school trip!  


Please make sure your child has their PE kit on the first day back to school.  It is a good idea for your child to bring their PE kit into school every Monday and bring it home for washing every Friday so that they always have it available in school.   


School Uniform


Please make sure your child has the correct school uniform ready for their return to school - we want the children to dress the same so that they do not need to worry about appearances and can focus on their play and learning.  


Please click here to see our school uniform and please make sure your child is wearing smart black shoes and not trainers!  Your child is welcome to bring a pair of trainers to change into at break and lunchtime if you worry they might scuff their smart black shoes.    


Summer Fair 2019


Thank you to the Friends of Hurst Drive, both the regular volunteers and those parents and carers who helped out on the day, for helping to raise over £800 for the school.  The event was a great success and, most importantly, the children who attended had a fantastic time!


We hope the children enjoy the remaining days of the Summer Holiday and we will see you on Thursday 5th September 2019 at 8:40am.



Yours sincerely,


The School Office Team

Hurst Drive Primary School 

01992 624099

