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Newsletter - 04/01/21

Dear Parent/Carer,


We are sending this e-mail about remote education to all parents/carers, including those whose children are due to be in school this week and next.   


As I am sure you will agree, our preference is always to have the children in school with the teachers, support staff and other children.   However, we know that if all our teachers and parents/carers work hard to support the children with remote education, be it via Google Classroom or using the paper packs of work, there is no reason why all the children cannot continue their learning effectively during this difficult time.  


On-line Learning - Starting Wednesday 6 January 2021


If your child has access to a PC, laptop or tablet, they will be able to access the assignments set via Google Classroom.   There will be three assignments set each day: one for English, one for mathematics and one for either science or a foundation subject (N.B. foundation subjects include geography, history, religious education, computing, physical education, art, design technology, Spanish, music and personal social health education).  You will receive a Facebook message and/or a telephone call tomorrow to share your child’s login details for Google Classroom.


Paper-based Learning - Starting Wednesday 6 January 2021


If your child does not have access to digital technology, you may visit school on Wednesday 6 January 2021 to collect a paper pack of work.   The times for visiting school are set out below – if you have a child in more than one year group, please attend at the time for your eldest child (e.g. If you have a son in Year 5 and a daughter in Year 2, please visit school at 10:45am to collect both packs of work).   Please enter via the pedestrian gate and visit the School Office.  You will be required to wear a face covering to enter the building.  Please be prepared to space out as there may be several parents/carers visiting at the same time as you.  If you are shielding, for example, because you or a household member has tested positive for COVID-19, please e-mail and we will see what we may be able to do to help (e.g. delivering the pack to your home).    


Times to Collect Paper Packs of Work - Wednesday 6 January 2021


Reception – 9:30am

Year 1 – 9:45am 

Year 2 – 10:00am 

Year 3 – 10:15am

Year 4 – 10:30am 

Year 5 – 10:45am 

Year 6 – 11:00am 


This paper pack of work must be returned to school on Monday 18 January 2021 when school is due to open fully so we may store it as evidence of learning.  


Telephone Calls


You will receive a telephone call from your child’s class teacher or a teaching assistant on either Thursday 7 or Friday 8 January 2021, and again on either Tuesday 12 or Wednesday 13 January 2021.   The aim of this phone call is to check in with you and your child/ren, to discuss their remote education and answer any questions you or your child may have.  The telephone calls will come from a private number so please make sure you answer your phone.  


Contacting the School


If you need to contact the school, please e-mail as some of our Office Staff are working remotely so our ability to respond to e-mails is faster than our ability to respond to telephone calls.  If you do need to telephone, please leave a voicemail, giving your name, your child’s name, and the reason for your call.  


Alternatively, if the question is about your child and their learning, you may use Facebook Messenger to contact your child’s teacher directly.  Remember, teachers are only tasked with reading and replying to messages during their working hours, 8:30am – 3:30pm.    


Reopening of School


At present, schools are due to reopen to all on Monday 18 January 2021.  We are due to receive an update on Wednesday 13 January 2021 about the current ‘Stay at Home’ order.  We will share the details in the weekly e-mailed newsletter that week regarding the return to school or the continuing of remote education depending on what we are instructed to do by the Department for Education.




We know it can be difficult but please do make sure your child completes the work set on Google Classroom or the paper pack of work.   


Research is already showing the damaging effects of each lockdown on children’s achievement, particularly children eligible for free school meals, so, if you are in touch with other parents/carers (e.g. via a Whatsapp group conversation) please help and encourage one other so that every child accesses learning this week and next.


Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail – I look forward to welcoming you all back to school soon.


Yours sincerely,


Mr D Short

