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Newsletter - w/c 20/01/2020

Dear parent/carer,


Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


Vacancies at Hurst Drive Primary School


We are looking to fill three vacancies at Hurst Drive Primary School:


  • a midday supervisory assistant, working on the key stage 2 playground from 12:20-13:40, Monday-Friday, term-time only;


  • a learning support assistant, working with a child with special educational needs from 08:30-15:45, Monday-Friday, term-time only; and,


  • a wraparound club assistant, working with Miss Thomas (After-school Club Leader) to run our Wraparound Care, working Monday-Friday, 3:30-6:00pm, term-time only.


Please come into the office if you would like a copy of the job description and person specification for each role, along with an application form.  


If you or anyone you know is interested in applying, please tell them to complete the application form carefully, including writing the role you are applying for (e.g. Learning Support Assistant) and making sure they write their personal statement based on the person specification, before e-mailing to  


We will interview as and when we receive applicants until each position is filled.  


Please note, each post is subject to safer recruitment measures which will include an enhanced criminal record check via the Disclosure and Barring Service along with the requirement for individuals to provide the names and contact details for two references.  


Packed Lunches


A heartfelt thank you to our parents and carers for making such a big effort to ensure the children's packed lunches are healthy - we have seen such a quick and big improvement in the quality of packed lunches being provided.  


Please note, to mirror what we expect in packed lunches, the school kitchen will be phasing out serving cakes and biscuits as options for dessert, choosing instead to offer fruit, yogurts, cheese and crackers and fruit jelly.  Although our school lunches have to follow strict sugar allowances (i.e. very little sugar in the meals we serve), we want those children having packed lunch to see that what we expect of their packed lunches is also what we expect of our school dinners.


Thank you again for your support in this change.  Hopefully this change to school lunches, along with our continued physical education, will mean that over the coming years, our participation in the heights and weights programme will show a reduction in the percentage of pupils who are overweight or obese by the time they leave Year 6.


Year 4 William Morris Gallery Trip


We are looking for 1 or 2 parents/carers from Cherry Class to attend the trip on 11/02/20 and from Hawthorn Class to attend on 12/02/20. Please see Miss Peffers or Mrs Ryan-Roberts if you are able to help. Thank you.


Chinese New Year - Special Lunch


We will be having a Chinese New Year Menu on Friday 24th January 2020.


There was an email sent out earlier this week with an attached slip. Please return the slip along with any relevant payment to the office by Wednesday 22nd January only if your child does not usually have a school dinner.


RED: Chicken Chow Mein


GREEN: Sweet and Sour Quorn with Rice


WHITE: Jacket Potato


Dentist Visit


Due to the high volume of parents wanting their child to be seen by the dentist today, they were unable to see every year group. Therefore, we will be arranging another date for the dental team to come back and see all the children that did not manage to have their teeth seen today. We will advise you of the date once it has been confirmed by the dentist, as they are taking time out of their busy working schedule to visit the school.


In the meantime if you have any concerns about your children’s teeth please make an appointment with your own dentist or you can contact the dental practice who came into the school on the details below.


Cheshunt Dental Centre

51a High Street





Phone Number – 01992 643259


Dinner Money


Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday.  Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. There are two options you can either pay £2.60 for a single meal or a weekly cost of £13.00 for five meals. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope.


If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.




Yours sincerely,


The School Office Team

Hurst Drive Primary School 

01992 624099
