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School Curriculum


Please read our Curriculum Policy which details the intent of our school curriculum, how we implement it and how we assess its impact.  


You can use the links below to find out more about the curriculum subjects that we teach at Hurst Drive Primary School. 


'Curriculum Guidance' - a summary of information about each subject, how it is taught, what children say about the subject and key development priorities for the coming year. 


'Curriculum Sequence' - a summary of what is taught and when in each year group including the key vocabulary that children need to learn. 


'Curriculum Progression Maps' - these outline the knowledge and skills that will be taught in each subject from Reception up to the end of Year 6. 


'Milestones' - a summary of the key knowledge and skills that the children must learn to be ready to move on in their learning in the following year.


If you are looking for information relating to remote education, please click here


If you have any questions about the school's curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance; otherwise, please e-mail for the attention of the Headteacher.
