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Religious Education

At Hurst Drive Primary School, we believe that Religious Education (RE) is an important part of a broad and balanced curriculum. It is our belief that because RE allows children to learn about the differences and similarities between religions, beliefs, traditions and cultures, they will grow up to be happy, respectful citizens, who have learnt to question and find out as opposed to accept just one point of view.  


To enhance our RE lessons, we regularly incorporate religious artefacts for children to handle and study.  Also, we organise visits to places of worship or visits from religious leaders to school so children may talk about religion with people from many different faiths.  If any parent/carer wishes to come into school to talk to the children about their faith or non-faith, please make an appointment at the school office to meet with Miss Vakharia (Subject Leader for RE).  


In line with section 71(1) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, a child's parent/carer may request for the child to be withdrawn wholly or partly from RE lessons.  If a parent or carer wishes to withdraw their child from RE lessons, we would kindly request they make an appointment to meet with their child's class teacher to discuss any concerns and then if they still wish to go ahead with the withdrawal, they should put this in writing to the headteacher.


For your information, children have a termly unit of learning and our teachers use schemes of work created by PlanBee that are in line with the Hertfordshire syllabus.  Please see below to view the Religious Education sequence of learning and progression documents so you may find out the units your child will be studying this school year.  
