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Newsletter - w/c - 17/05/21

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please find below some important notices about school life:


Term Dates


Knowing many families will be planning holidays for the next couple of years, please click here to see the term dates for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years.  


Remember, if you choose to take your child/ren on a term-time holiday, this will be an unauthorised absence which will likely lead to you receiving a fixed penalty notice from the local authority.  




We have had a few parents/carers complain that we carry out home visits when a child is absent.  This is something new we decided to do and it's one of the reasons our attendance has improved so greatly in the past two years.  We have included a table below to show you the difference:


  Hurst Drive Primary School   National Average
2018-19       95%   96%
2019-20       96%   96%
2020-21       97%   96%


We do not aim to upset parents/carers, but it is our job to make sure as many children as possible are in school to learn, and we are pleased with our success in this regard.  As you can see, our attendance has improved from being below the national average to being above the national average.  


You should note that if you have a child eligible for free school meals, this is a group whose attendance is a concern as it's below the national average.  For that reason, we will carry out a home visit for every absence for these children, and we will escalate our concerns quickly to the local authority if the situation worsens.  Also, this is a group who achieve the lowest results - it is difficult to achieve well in school or at work if you are frequently absent, so we hope to address these bad habits at a young age to give every child the best chance to succeed. 


After all, our school motto is 'Success for All' so we will work hard to do the best for every child.  


Drop Off and Collection Times


From Monday 17 May 2021, as restrictions ease, the gate will open at 8:35am for you to drop off your child between 8:40am and 8:55am.  In the afternoon, the gate will open at 3:10pm for you to collect your child between 3:15pm and 3:30pm.


We recommend you continue to wear a face covering on site, and we politely request you drop off and collect your child/ren quickly.  


Artist - Painting a Mural


Next week, we have the artist Sholee Parry returning to school.  She will be working with every year group to create a mural on a wall on the back playground.  Years 5 and 6 will start the mural on Monday 17 May 2021.  If you have a child in Years 5 or 6, please send them to school with a bag of clothes to change into.  These should be clothes you don't mind them getting oil-based paint on.  Of course, we will encourage the children to paint carefully, but accidents may still happen.  Gloves will be provided to protect children's hands.    


The same requirement for a change of clothes will be expected of children in Years 3 and 4 on 24/05/21, and then Years 1 and 2 on 07/06/21, and finally Reception, Birch and Pine on 14/06/21.   


Photo Day - Thursday 20 May 2021


The photographer is due into school next Thursday to take children's portrait photographs along with photographing each class.  Please make sure your child is dressed in full school uniform and looking their very best.




Yours sincerely,



The Administration Team

01992 624099
