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Newsletter - w/c 05/07/21

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please find below some important notices about school life:


Annual Reports 2021


As a reminder, you will receive your child's annual report in the week commencing Monday 12 July 2021.  This will contain information relating to their behaviour and learning across the year.  If you have a child in Year 1, you will also receive a letter confirming whether they did/did not pass the mock Phonics Screening Check the teachers completed with the children.  Also, if you have a child in Year 2 or Year 6, you will receive a letter confirming whether they did/did not pass the mock Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) the teachers completed with the children.  


Along with the report, you will receive a letter stating which class your child will be in next year, including the name of their teacher.  


If you have any questions/concerns about the report, you will be able to meet with your child's teacher in person or via the telephone, and the process for making this appointment is explained in the report that you will receive.    


Parent/Carer Parking


We have received a complaint from a local resident as a parent/carer from our school verbally abused her when she pointed out that her car was on her driveway and she was unable to leave because this parent had left his vehicle parked across her driveway.


It is very upsetting that so many of our parents/carers drive and park unsafely outside our school.  Most of our families live locally and should walk to school.  If all those families were to walk, we would have very few parents/carers driving and parking on Hurst Drive during school drop off and collection times.  


If you do need to drive to school, we recommend giving yourself enough time to park safely in one of the surrounding roads (e.g. Raglan Avenue) before walking to school.  Doing this will make it safer for parents/carers and children to cross the road outside the school, and it will stop arguments occurring between parents and carers, as well as between parents/carers and local residents.  


Thank you to those parents/carers who always behave respectfully, whether it be on foot or in their car.   


Calibre Audio - Support for Children and Adults with a Disability


Calibre audio provides a free audiobook service for anyone with a disability that makes reading print difficult, and includes books for children in primary school, secondary school and adults in college, and allows for unlimited borrowing.  


Dates for the 2021-22 Academic Year


Please click here to view our website calendar which has been updated to include important dates for the 2021-22 academic year.  Currently, the Office Administrators are busy booking school trips and workshops to complement the children's learning - we are hopeful that we will return to a more normal school year come September 2021.  Also, please click here to find our term dates, particularly if you plan to book a holiday in the UK or abroad.  Remember, term-time holidays will be unauthorised and this could lead to a fixed penalty notice.  You may click here to find out more about attendance at Hurst Drive Primary School.  

Parent and Carer Survey 2021


Thank you to the parents/carers who have already completed the survey - we are close to beating our record of 92 respondents.  We have scheduled another e-mail to be sent to parents/carers early next week with a link to complete the survey before it closes on Friday 9 July 2021 and we will send the results to parents and carers before the end of the school year.


We have already received lots of helpful information about what parents and carers like about the school, and how they would like the school to improve further, so please let your voice be heard by completing the survey.   






Yours sincerely,



The Administration Team


01992 624099


