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For latest news, please check our Newsletter page. We also share regular updates through our main Facebook page and class Facebook pages. Please follow us on Facebook and request to join the private Facebook Page for your class to stay up to date.

On this page you will find our archived newsletters from previous years.

  • Newsletter - w/c 02/03/2020

    Fri 28 Feb 2020

    Dear parent/carer,


    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


    World Book Day - Thursday 5th March 2020


    Your child is invited to dress up as a character from a favourite book on Thursday 5th March 2020 for World Book Day. There will be prizes on the day for those children with the most creative outfits! 


    Wraparound Care


    At present, Wraparound Care is fully booked up to the Easter Holidays. We cannot safely accept any more children into Wraparound Care.  


    Parents/carers will be able to book their child's places at Wraparound Care for next half term (20/04/20-22/05/20) on Friday 3rd April 2020 from 3:00pm. For fairness, we have to operate on a first come, first served basis so we hope this advance notice will allow those parents/carers who rely on the service to make the necessary arrangements so they may be able to use the SchoolGateway app to make their booking at that time. Please be aware, to secure your booking, you will need to pay in advance for the half term ahead.   


    For your reference, parents/carers will be able to make bookings for the final half term of this year (01/06/20-16/07/20 as there won't be any Wraparound Care on 17/07/20) on Friday 22nd May 2020 at 4:30pm.


    If you would prefer more definite after-school childcare for your child, click  here to search for an Ofsted-registered childminder in your local area.  


    Personal Social Health Education - Parent/Carer Meetings


    In our school, children have regular Personal Social Health Education lessons. In Summer 2 (which is the half term that starts after the May half term and finishes at the Summer Holidays) the children across the school will be learning about aspects of sex and relationships that are deemed to be age-appropriate.  


    We know that for many of our families, lessons about sex and relationships fill them with worry which is why we would like to invite parents/carers into school ahead of that time to find out what their children will be learning. Please see below for the dates and times for the meetings that will be run by Mr Short:


    18/03/20 - 9:00-9:45am – Year Reception / Year 1 parents/carers

    25/03/20 - 9:00-9:45am - Year 2 parents/carers

    22/04/20 - 9:00-9:45am - Year 3 parents/carers

    06/05/20 - 9:00-9:45am - Year 4 parents/carers

    07/05/20 - 9:00-9:45am - Years 5/6 parents/carers [Please note, if you are a parent/carer of a child currently in Year 6 and you came to Mr Short's meeting last year, it will be a repeat of that meeting so you can make the choice whether or not to attend]  


    If you can't make the meeting for your child's year group, do not worry, as after the meeting has occurred, we will e-mail out the information shared in that meetings so that you'll know what your child will be learning about.


    Parents and Carers' Evening - Thursday 12th March 2020, 3:30-9:00pm


    Please click here to book an appointment to meet with your child's class teacher on Thursday 12th March 2020.  It is very important that an adult attends for every child so teachers may share children's successes as well as express any concerns about learning or behaviour so we may work together to get the best out of every child in our school.


    If you have difficulty making an appointment, the administrative assistants in the school office can help you.  Please be aware that the early appointments (i.e. 3:30-4:30pm) tend to get booked up fast!  


    The appointments for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are held in the children's classrooms.  The appointments for Years 3-6 are held in the main hall.  You will find your child's English and maths books outside their classroom or in the dining hall for children in Years 3-6.  


    Please note that if your child is in Birch class you will not need to book online; Ms Buck will arrange these appointments with you.


    Please also note that it is not necessary to bring your child to Parents and Carers' Evening.  If you do make the choice to bring your child/ren and any younger brothers/sisters, please ensure they behave well and do not disturb the other appointments taking place.


    Reception  -  Mother's Day story session


    Dear mums & grandmas, 


    The children would like to invite you to join us in class for a story and a special surprise that they will be preparing over the next few weeks. There will be two sessions available on Friday 20th March (9am and 2:30pm). I am sure that there will be a lot of interest in the sessions so please could you speak to Miss Ertac or me to sign yourself up. 


    Thank you, 

    Miss Benson


    Vacancy - Teaching Assistant


    We are looking to appoint a teaching assistant to work in Reception. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in applying, please click here.  


    Weekly Attendance


    The whole-school attendance for the week beginning 24th February is 96.5% which is above the national average of 96%.


    1st -  YR Sycamore 98.9%

    2nd -  Y3 Oak  98.7%

    3rd -  Y3 Pear  98.4%

    4th - Y4 Hawthorn  98.3%

    5th - Y5 Cedar  98.2%

    6th -  Y2 Walnut  98.1%

    7th -  Y1 Chestnut  98.0%

    7th -  Y5 Mulberry  98.0% 

    8th -  Y2 Beech  97.0%

    9th -  SEN Birch  96.8%

    10th - YR Willow  94.1%

    11th -  Y1 Ash  93.7%

    12th -  Y4 Cherry  93.2% 

    12th -  Y6 Elm  93.2%

    13th - Y6 Apple  92.3%


    Thank you to those parents/carers who bring their children to school every day, and who avoid taking term-time holidays.  Please note, if your child has 15 unauthorised absences, which includes arriving late to school, you are likely to receive a fixed penalty notice from the local authority. 


    Coronavirus Statement for parents


    As you will be aware, there has been a lot of information in the news about returning trips to Italy over half term in light of the recent measures put in place by the Italian Authorities on Coronavirus. 


    We would like to assure you that there is no cause for concern, none of the school trips run by Hertfordshire schools were within the towns which the Italian Authorities have put on quarantine measures and Hertfordshire residents remain at low risk. 


    If people have returned from these areas and develop flu like symptoms, they should stay at home, avoid contact with other people and call NHS111. 


    Taking basic hygiene precautions remains the best way to reduce the chances of spreading any virus: sneeze or cough into a tissue, bin it, wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands. Using a normal detergent to clean the surfaces people touch regularly like door handles and lift buttons is also sensible. 


    Please visit for the most up to date advice.


    Unwanted Bikes & Scooters


    The children are enjoying being active on their bikes and scooters at playtimes but some children are not able to take part as they don’t not have one at school. Although the children are very good at sharing, we would be delighted if anyone could donate any unwanted bikes or scooters so that all children can take part.  Please speak to Karen Lloyd (Safeguarding Coordinator) if you would like help with collection. Thanks 


    Trip/photo Money


    Just a quick reminder to parents that all trip/photo money should be sent in to school in an envelope marked with your child’s name, class and what the money is for. This is just to make sure that money doesn’t get lost between the classroom and the office. Thank you.  


    Dinner Money


    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday.  Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. There are two options you can either pay £2.60 for a single meal or a weekly cost of £13.00 for five meals. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope.


    If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.



    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099

  • Newsletter - w/c 24/02/2020

    Fri 14 Feb 2020

    Dear parent/carer,


    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


    February Half Term


    We wish all our families a restful half term break together. School is closed next week and school returns on Monday 24th February 2020 at 8:40am. Please make sure your child returns to school on time as we have two activities planned:


    • The dentist returns to see those children who weren't seen last time
    • The company A-Life are in to run fun, fitness workshops for all the children. Please make sure your child has their PE kit on Monday 24th February 2020!


    PE Kits


    We are noticing that many children do not bring a PE kit to school, making it difficult for them to participate fully in PE lessons. Please note that our school has an above average number of overweight children so it's vital all children can join in fully during PE lessons to improve their health and confidence.    


    Please use the February half term to purchase a PE kit for your child/ren. PE kits should include:


    • School-branded PE t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt
    • Navy blue shorts
    • Navy blue jogging bottoms (for outside PE)
    • Trainers or plimsolls
    • Kit bag (i.e. to store the PE kit in)


    Please make sure all items are labelled with your child's name.


    Please also make sure your child brings their PE kit to school on a Monday and brings it home on a Friday for washing, as needed.  


    Thank you.


    Learning Support Assistant - Job Advert


    We are looking to appoint a Learning Support Assistant to work with a child with autism. If you, or someone you know, has experience working with children with special educational needs, please click here for the job advert on Guardian Jobs and here for the job advert on Teach in Herts.


    Friends of Hurst Drive - Valentine Disco


    A big thank you to Mrs Lloyd (Safeguarding Coordinator) and the Friends of Hurst Drive for organising the disco for the children.  It has helped to raise money for the school and a good time was had by all.  Remember, if you would like to join the Friends of Hurst Drive, you can speak to Mrs Lloyd or one of the parents/carers involved.   


    Kestrel House - Fundraising for Herts Young Homeless


    Thank you to Mrs Geggus (Assistant Headteacher), along with Mrs Bye and Mrs Maldar (Higher-level Teaching Assistants) for escorting some of the children from Kestrel House to the Pavilions Shopping Centre in Waltham Cross to help raise money for their house's charity: Herts Young Homeless.  


    Taking a guess, it looks as though the donations from the public have raised a few hundred pounds which will go a long way with helping those young people in Hertfordshire who have fallen on tough times. We are sending the money to Herts Young Homeless for them to count and we'll let the children (and our families) know how much we raised as soon as we know.    


    For your information, each of the four houses in our school has a linked charity:



    Over the rest of the school year, the children in those houses will put on events to help raise money for their linked charity.  We thank you in advance for any donations you make.  


    Bikes and Scooters


    Please see below for a few reminders regarding children and their bikes and scooters:


    • We are pleased the children are enjoying using their bikes and scooters at lunchtime. Please know that the children will often let other children use their bike and scooter. We are happy for the children to do this as it shows kindness, sharing things with others. That said, we cannot reimburse parents/carers if a child's bike or scooter gets broken. If you would rather keep your child's bike and scooter at home that is fine. 
    • When your child enters school at the start of the day, please tell them to get off their bike/scooter and to walk it to the bike shed for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, and round to the back playground for Years 3-6. This avoids accidents occurring. Similarly, at home time, please encourage your child to walk their bike/scooter to the entrance gate and then from there, they can cycle or scoot along Hurst Drive and beyond.  
    • Lots of the children have the same bike or scooter. Please find a way to personalise your child's one to avoid another child accidentally taking it home. Similarly, try not to let your child leave their bike or scooter overnight in school as this is often when another child will take it home.  


    School Clubs


    Other than the Spanish Club which ended this week, all other clubs will continue after the February half term. This means if your child currently has a space at a club, they'll still have that space next half term. That said, we have staff training after school on Monday 24th February 2020, so those clubs usually on a Monday will take place on Tuesday 25th February 2020.   


    For your information, there are spaces at the following clubs:


    • 2 spaces available for the KS1 & KS2 Homework Club - Mondays, 3:30-4:15pm - Mrs Bye


    • 7 spaces available for the Years 3 & 4 Times Tables Rockstars Club - Mondays, 3:30-4:15pm, Ms O'Keeffe


    • 8 spaces available for the Years 5 & 6 Board Games Club - Mondays, 3:30-4:15pm, Mrs Page


    Dates for the Diary


    Please see below for some dates for the diary for next half term:


    Monday 24th February 2020 - Start of the Half Term - School starts at 8:40am


    Monday 24th February 2020 - Dentist Visit


    Monday 24th February 2020 - A-Life Workshop - Please make sure your child has their PE kit


    Thursday 27th February 2020 - Year 6 Apple Class Visit to the Library


    Monday 2nd March 2020 - Secondary School National Allocation Day - Parents/carers of children in Year 6 will receive an e-mail detailing which secondary school their child has been given 


    Thursday 5th March 2020 - World Book Day - Children are invited to dress up as a favourite character from a storybook


    Thursday 12th March 2020 - Year 6 Elm Class Visit to the Library


    Thursday 12th March 2020 - Parents and Carers' Evening, 3:30-9:00pm


    Monday 16th March 2020 - Year 5 Mulberry Class Trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum


    Thursday 19th March 2020 - Year 1 Ash Class Visit to the Library


    Friday 20th March 2020 - Friends of Hurst Drive's Mothers' Day Sale


    Friday 20th March 2020 - Year 5 Cedar Class Trip to the V&A Museum


    Tuesday 24th March 2020 - Hurst Drive Hero Assembly, 9:00-9:30am (By Invitation Only)


    Thursday 26th March 2020 - Year 1 Chestnut Class Visit to the Library


    Monday 30th March 2020 - Year 2 Beech Class (half the class) Trip to Pizza Express in Hertford


    Tuesday 31st March 2020 - Year 2 Beech Class (half the class) Trip to Pizza Express in Loughton


    Wednesday 1st April 2020 - Year 2 Walnut Class (half the class) Trip to Pizza Express in Harlow


    Thursday 2nd April 2020 - Year 2 Walnut Class (half the class) Trip to Pizza Express in Epping


    Friday 3rd April 2020 - End of the Spring Term - School finishes at 1:45pm


    Poppy Appeal


    We would like to thank you very much for helping us raise an amazing £322.72 for last year’s Poppy Appeal. As a whole the district managed to raise a total of £28,065.00.


    Dinner Money


    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday.  Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. There are two options you can either pay £2.60 for a single meal or a weekly cost of £13.00 for five meals. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope.


    If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.



    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099

  • Newsletter - w/c 10/02/2020

    Fri 07 Feb 2020

    Dear parent/carer,


    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


    Sunken Trampolines


    Thanks to a donation from The Friends of Hurst Drive and a parent of a child in Year 3, along with some funding from the government, we will be having two sunken trampolines installed during the February half term ready for the children to use at break- and lunchtime from Monday 24th February 2020 onward.



    Attendance Prize


    Next week all children will collect a star for every day they attend school to put on their competition entry card. Then on Friday 14th February 2020, our computer system will randomly select 14 children to attend an indoor play centre with Mrs Lloyd, Miss Bracken and Mrs Chanter.  The more stars your child collects next week, the more likely they are to be chosen.  If your child is chosen, we will telephone early on the Friday morning to let you know and to seek your verbal consent for your child to attend this trip. The children will be back to eat their school dinner or packed lunch in school so there is no need for parents/carers to worry about lunch arrangements on that day.  



    Friends of Hurst Drive's Valentines Disco - Thursday 13th February 2020


    Just a reminder that The Friends of Hurst Drive have organised a Valentines Disco on Thursday 13th February 2020.  


    The disco for Years 1-3 will be in the hall from 3:15-4:30pm.


    The disco for Years 4-6 will be in the hall from 4:45-6:00pm.  


    Tickets cost £5. Please make sure you've purchased a ticket from the School Office by Monday 10th February 2020 at the very latest. This allows the Friends of Hurst Drive to purchase the right amount of food and drink for the children.  


    On Thursday 13th February 2020, all children should come to school in their school uniform.  


    Children in Reception should come to school in their school uniform but bring a bag of party clothes to change into as they will have a party in the afternoon before being collected at 3:15pm.


    If your child in Year 1, 2 or 3 is attending the disco, please send them to school in their school uniform and a bag containing their party clothes and shoes which they'll change into in the classroom before the disco begins.  When you collect your child, be sure to check they have the bag containing their uniform with them. 


    There is no need for children in Years 4, 5 and 6 to bring a bag of party clothes as their disco doesn't start till later so they will have plenty of time to go home to change before returning to school.     



    Non-school Uniform Day - Friday 14th February 2020


    To help raise money for a local boy with a terminal illness, we are holding a non-school uniform day on Friday 14th February 2020.  Please give your child £1 (or whatever you can afford) and we will put this money towards this charitable cause.  



    Weekly Attendance


    The whole school attendance for the week beginning 3rd February is 96.6%



    Beech                      94.9%

    Sycamore                100%

    Chestnut                  94.2%

    Walnut                     97.7%
    Willow                      95.6%

    Ash                          91.1%



    Cherry                      91.9%

    Apple                        99.1%

    Hawthorn                  98.3%

    Cedar                        94.3%

    Oak                           99.6%

    Pear                          97.7%

    Elm                            98.7%

    Mulberry                    98.2%

    Birch                          96.8%


    Congratulations to Sycamore and Apple class for having the best attendance (the largest number of children with 100% attendance for the week) and will be able to choose their free time activity. 



    Dinner Money


    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday.  Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. There are two options you can either pay £2.60 for a single meal or a weekly cost of £13.00 for five meals. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope.

    If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.


    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099
