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For latest news, please check our Newsletter page. We also share regular updates through our main Facebook page and class Facebook pages. Please follow us on Facebook and request to join the private Facebook Page for your class to stay up to date.

On this page you will find our archived newsletters from previous years.

  • Newsletter - w/c 06/01/20

    Fri 20 Dec 2019


    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


    A Christmas Message from the Chair of Governors


    Dear Parents and Carers,

    It has been another very busy term for everyone at school and I am sure you are all looking forward to a well earned Christmas holiday.

    On behalf of all the governors, may I wish you and your families and very happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.

    With best wishes,

    Emma Kight
    Chair of Governors


    Christmas Holidays


    We wish all our children and families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, hoping that 2020 may bring good health, happiness and success to each of you.

    School reopens on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 8:40am.  We sincerely hope that all children return to school on time as we have organised some fun activities for the first day back, including a robot-making workshop!  


    School Uniform


    We changed the school uniform in September 2019 to make it cheaper and easier for parents/carers to purchase.  


    Over the Christmas Holidays, please buy the correct school uniform for your child, particularly a white polo shirt instead of a white buttoned shirt and smart black shoes instead of trainers.  We will review school uniform in January and, if needed, begin sending letters home with children who are wearing incorrect school uniform.


    Please make sure you label all your children's clothing with their name - we have a lot of lost property with no names on it!    


    After-school Clubs


    The after-school clubs are now available to book on the School Gateway app.  Please click here to see what clubs are on offer before using the School Gateway app to book your child's place.  


    Those clubs run by school staff are free but there are currently two fee-paying clubs: steel pans and Spanish.  The cost for steel pan tuition is £5 per week and the cost for the Spanish club is £4 per week.  Parents/carers told us in the Parent/Carer Survey that they wanted more clubs on offer, including fee-paying ones, so we will continue to look for individuals and agencies who can run these clubs for us in school.  


    If a parent/carer knows of an individual or an agency who may be able to run an after-school club for us, please speak to Mr Short (Headteacher) or Miss Bracken (Deputy Headteacher) or alternatively, ask the person or company to e-mail FAO Mr Short with what they can offer by way of after-school club/s.  


    Dentist Visit - Thursday 16th January 2020


    Due to the fact that more than a dozen children in our school visited the dentist in the autumn term to have adult teeth extracted or treatment for a tooth abscess, a parent who works in a dental surgery has kindly organised for the dentists who work in that surgery to visit our school on Thursday 16th January 2020 to check children's teeth and gums.  


    Your child will bring home forms that must be completed to allow them to access this free check-up in school.  If you have any trouble filling out the forms, please bring them to the School Office and ask for help.  


    The dentists will not carry out any treatments on this day but they will check the children's teeth carefully and identify those children in need of treatment.  We will then pass on this information to parents/carers so you may take your child to the dentist to have your child's teeth treated to avoid them losing any of their adult teeth.


    Remember, dentistry is free in our country for the following people:


    • those people under the age of 18, or under the age of 19 and in full time education
    • those who are pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months
    • those adults receiving low income benefits (e.g. Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance)


    Packed Lunches


    We know parents/carers dislike being told how to care for their children; however, we need to adopt a very strict approach with packed lunches for the following reasons:


    • Too many of our children have fillings, rotting teeth, tooth abscesses or teeth removed due to a diet high in sugar (as well as poor dental hygiene);



    • A recent news article published by the BBC stated that fewer children in disadvantaged areas are getting the recommended 60 minutes of exercise each day which means many of our children are not adopting healthy routines to help them grow up to become healthy adults.


    There is also no escaping the fact that if our children at Hurst Drive Primary School grow up to be adults who are obese, or who eat a diet high in fat and/or sugar, they will be at greater risk of developing life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.  


    If your child's packed lunch contains a food item or items that we do not allow, we will place it in their packed lunch with a reminder note or sticker.  We know this will upset some parents/carers; it won't be our intention to upset you but we have to try our best to ensure all the children in our school have a healthy diet.  


    Please note, our school dinners have to follow very strict guidelines set out by the Department for Education.  Please also note that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for a free school meal - this could both save families money whilst also ensuring your child has a healthy lunch Monday-Friday without you having to worry about preparing it.  For those families with children in Years 3-6, a school meal costs £2.60 per day or £13.00 for the week.  


    Our catering staff who work for Herts Catering Limited have worked hard this term to ensure our school lunches are the best they can be.


    Break-time Snacks


    Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are given free fruits and vegetables by the government every day.  Unfortunately, the same is not provided for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 which is why we allow children to bring in a snack for the mid-morning break. 


    Please note, children cannot bring cereal bars any longer - the only options are fruit (e.g. an apple, strawberries, a banana, pineapple etc.) or vegetables (e.g. carrot sticks, celery sticks, tomatoes, cucumber slices etc.).  This is because the average cereal bar contains 10g of sugar and children aged 4-6 are only permitted 19g of sugar per day and children aged 7-10 are only permitted 24g of sugar per day and seeing as lots of other foods contain natural and added sugar, we are concerned many of our children and families are unknowingly eating more than the recommended amount of sugar each day, putting them at greater risk of life-threatening conditions like diabetes.  


    Please also note that all school staff have been told not to give children chocolate, biscuits or sweets as rewards - we know that if our families are making an effort to help their children adopt a healthy diet in school that our school staff must also do the same.  


    We will continue to allow children to bring in confectionery to share with classmates when it's their birthday or when it's an end-of-term class party; however, we would ask parents/carers to avoid oversupplying (i.e. one 10p bag of Haribo per child or a mini-sized chocolate bar per child is better than a big handful of lollipops, chewy sweets etc. per child).  


    As always, thank you for your support.     


    Scooters and Bikes at Lunchtime


    Mrs Thomson (Subject Leader for PE) is working with Mrs Ackland (Senior Midday Supervisory Assistant) to set up sport and play stations at lunchtime based on the children's thoughts and opinions (e.g. space hoppers, skipping, football etc.).  

    There will be four sport/play activities each lunchtime on a two-weekly cycle. 


    If your child would like to bring their scooter or bike to school to use at lunchtime, please see the dates below to work out when they should bring it in:


    Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 = weeks commencing 06/01/20, 20/01/20 & 03/02/20


    Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 = weeks commencing 06/01/20, 13/01/20, 20/01/20, 27/01/20, 03/02/20 and 10/02/20


    Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should park their scooter or bike in the bike shed on the front playground.  Children in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 should walk their scooter or bike round to the bike shed by the main hall, near to Cedar Class - your key stage 2 child will know where this is.    


    Please note that we do like the key stage 2 children to use our big field, even when it's muddy, so if you are concerned about your child dirtying their school shoes, please provide them with an old pair of trainers to wear at break and lunchtime.   


    Please also remember that all classes will have two PE sessions a week starting after the Christmas Holidays: one PE lesson in the hall and one PE lesson outside - please click here and scroll down to find your child's class timetable.  On the first day back to school, Tuesday 7th January 2020, please send your child in with their PE kits, both one for indoor PE and one for outdoor PE, ensuring the one for outdoor PE includes suitable outdoor clothing (e.g. jogging bottoms, a hooded top etc.).  Thank you.    

    Elm Class Swimming & Class Trip


    The children in Elm class who missed their swimming session on Wednesday 18th December 2019 will be having a session on Wednesday 8th January 2020. Please make sure your child brings their swimming kit in on this day.


    On the first day of the new term, Tuesday 7th January 2020, Elm Class have their trip to the Ben Kinsella Knife Crime Awareness Exhibition.  This is an important trip to ensure our children know how to keep themselves safe and the dangers involved in carrying a knife or being friends with someone who chooses to carry a knife and/or commit a crime.  


    If you haven't done so already, please make sure you provide permission for your child to attend this trip, being sure to have them wear a waterproof coat on the day and bring with them a healthy packed lunch including a drink of water.  A packed lunch can be provided by the school if your child is eligible for free school meals - please speak to a member of the School Office about this.  



    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School

  • Newsletter - w/c 16/12/19

    Fri 13 Dec 2019

    Dear parent/carer,


    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.


    Last Day of the Autumn Term - Friday 20th December 2019


    School finishes on Friday 20th December 2019 at 1:45pm.  All children must be collected at 1:45pm.  


    Please note, there are no after-school clubs in the last week of term.  Breakfast Club runs as normal all week and Wraparound Care runs as normal on Monday-Thursday but there is no Wraparound Care on the Friday due to school closing at 1:45pm.  


    Steel Pan Performance - Monday 16th December 2019


    If your child has been learning to play the steel pans with Wade Austin, you are invited to watch their Christmas performance on Monday 16th December 2019 at 9:00am.


    KS1 Christmas Production - 'Everyone Loves a Baby' - Tuesday 17th December 2019 / Thursday 19th December 2019


    There is still time to book a ticket to watch your child perform in the KS1 Christmas Production of 'Everyone Loves a Baby' on Tuesday 17th December 2019 from 2:00pm for parents/carers of children in Ash or Beech Class or on Thursday 19th December 2019 from 2:00pm for parents/carers of children in Chestnut or Walnut Class.  Please click here to book your ticket.  If you need any help, please speak to someone in the School Office.  


    Falcon House Trip - Hertford Theatre - Wednesday 18th December 2019


    On Wednesday 18th December 2019, the children in Falcon House will be going to watch a pantomime at Hertford Theatre as a reward for achieving the most house points in the autumn term.  The children will be leaving school at 9:15am and will be returning at 1:30pm.  Your child will have received a letter if they are attending this trip but if you're unsure, please speak to the School Office.


    Reception Christmas Concert - Friday 20th December 2019


    Parents/carers of children in Reception are invited to watch the children sing a range of Christmas-themed songs on Friday 20th December 2019 at 9:00am.  


    Friends of Hurst Drive - Christmas Raffle


    The Friends of Hurst Drive are still selling tickets for the Christmas Raffle before and after school.  Tickets cost £1 per strip.  The raffle will be drawn on Friday 20th December 2019 and those individuals winning a hamper will be informed on the day so they may collect their prizes to take home over the festive period.  


    Attendance Prize!


    Next week, your child has the opportunity to win a family ticket to Paradise Wildlife Park along with a VERY large bag of gifts.  To be in with a chance of winning, your child needs to come to school every day (and on time) and collect their tickets.  We will draw the winning name on Friday 20th December 2019 and that child will take home their prizes to use over the Christmas Holidays!  


    Changes to P.E.


    To get the children in our school more active, they will have two Physical Education lessons each week starting after the Christmas Holidays.  One lesson will be an indoor session and the other lesson will be outdoors.  Please click here to see the class timetables to know exactly when your child will have their PE lessons.  


    For their PE kit, each child needs the following:


    • Plain white t-shirt or school PE t-shirt


    • Navy blue or black shorts


    • Tracksuit bottoms (e.g. navy cotton jogging bottoms)


    • A plain warm jumper or hoodie


    • A change of socks (e.g. white sports socks)


    • A pair of trainers


    We always advise children to bring their PE kit into school on the first day of the half term and take it home on the last day of the half term to be cleaned.  If the PE kit gets dirty, teachers will send them home to be washed and returned in time for the next PE lesson.


    To avoid a child sustaining an injury, earrings must be removed before PE lessons. This will need to be done before your child comes to school on the days they have PE.  If the earrings cannot be removed, you must provide tape for your child to use to cover the earrings.  Adults in school are not allowed to remove earrings or tape them up so you must show your child how to do this themselves.


    If you have any questions about PE, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance or request to meet Mrs Thomson (Subject Leader for PE).


    Class Visits to Waltham Cross Library


    Hawthorn class will visit on Thursday 9th January 2019

    Cherry class will visit on Thursday 16th January 2019

    Cedar class will visit on Thursday 23rd January 2019

    Mulberry class will visit on Thursday 30th January 2019


    Dinner Money


    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday. Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope. The weekly cost of school dinners is £13.00 for five meals or £2.60 per meal if you are paying for individual meals.


    If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.


    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099

  • Newsletter - w/c 09/12/19

    Fri 06 Dec 2019

    Dear parent/carer,


    Please find attached the weekly e-mail newsletter containing important information.  


    After-School Clubs


    Please note that there will be no after-school clubs or after-school tuition with teachers in the last week of term - the week commencing 16/12/19.  Please also note that there will be no wraparound care on the final day of term which is Friday 20th December 2019 as all children will need to be collected at 1:45pm.  


    Using the SchoolGateway app, you will now be able to book your child's place at any available after-school clubs for the spring term as well as booking your child's place/s at Breakfast Club or Wraparound Care.  


    Please click here to see which clubs are available and use the SchoolGateway app to book your child's place.  Because parents/carers asked for it in the survey, we have introduced two after-school reading clubs, a homework club and we are in talks with an outside provider to run a Spanish club for KS2 and a glockenspiel club for KS2 - as soon as the outsider provider has confirmed, we will add these clubs to the SchoolGateway app as well.  Remember, there will be a charge for these clubs which parents/carers said they would be happy to pay in the survey. 


    Apart from Breakfast Club and Wraparound Care which start on Tuesday 7th January 2020, all other clubs start in the week commencing Monday 13th January 2020.   


    Nasal Flu Vaccination - Monday 9th December 2019


    If you completed the paperwork, your child will be vaccinated against the flu on Monday.  


    Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 13th December 2019


    If your child brings in £1 for the charity Save the Children, he/she may wear a Christmas jumper instead of their school jumper/cardigan on Friday 13th December 2019.  The rest of their clothing should be normal school uniform (e.g. charcoal grey trousers or skirt, black smart shoes etc.).  Thank you.  


    Years 1 & 2 Christmas Production


    Years 1 and 2 have been working hard, rehearsing for their Christmas production of 'Everyone Loves a Baby' and they are excited to perform it for parents and carers.

    On Tuesday 17th December 2019, from 2:00-3:00pm, parents/carers of children in Ash Class and Beech Class will be able to book tickets to watch the play.

    On Thursday 19th December 2019, from 2:00-3:00pm, parents/carers of children in Chestnut Class and Walnut Class will be able to book tickets to watch the play.

    To make sure we can fit all the parents/carers in the hall, tickets will be restricted to 2 tickets per child.

    You will be able to book tickets via a link on under the parents tab from Friday 6th December 2019 at 6pm.


    Reception Christmas Craft Workshop


    On Wednesday, we will be hosting a Christmas craft activity workshop for Reception parents. There will be the chance to make your own wrapping paper, cards and decorations! Please report to the school office at 2pm if you would like to join us. 


    Reception Christmas Concert - Friday 20th December 2019


    On Friday 20th December 2019 at 9:00am, the children in Reception will be putting on a concert of Christmas-themed songs for parents and carers.  There is no need to book a ticket.  The children have been given costume advice; if a parent/carer is unsure of what their children should be wearing, please speak to Miss Benson or Miss Ertac. 


    Wraparound Care - January 2020


    Please note, in line with our Wraparound Childcare Policy, we are giving parents/carers one month's notice of a change.


    The maximum number of children we will take for Wraparound Care will be 12 children starting Tuesday 7th January 2020.  If you need to secure your booking, please do so as soon as possible.  If you want more definite childcare, please click here to find a local childminder. 


    You will be able to book your child a place in wraparound on the School Gateway on Thursday 19th December 2019 from 4:30pm.


    Dinner Money


    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday. Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope. The weekly cost of school dinners is £13.00 for five meals.

    If you receive a dinner debt letter, please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.



    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099


