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For latest news, please check our Newsletter page. We also share regular updates through our main Facebook page and class Facebook pages. Please follow us on Facebook and request to join the private Facebook Page for your class to stay up to date.

On this page you will find our archived newsletters from previous years.

  • Reception 2019 - Parent/Carer Information

    Thu 27 Jun 2019

    Thank you to those parents/carers who were able to make the meeting this week for new parents/carers of children starting Reception in September 2019. 


    If you were not able to make the meeting, we will be posting you information about which class your child is in, when they start school and when the home visit (where your child's teacher and teaching assistant visit you) will take place.  


    In the meantime, for your interest, below are the important notes from the meeting:


    • Click here to read about attendance and punctuality - our happiest and highest achieving children always arrive to school at 8:40am and always have excellent attendance (98% or higher);
    • To make sure you receive communication from us, please tell the School Office if you change address, telephone number or e-mail address, and please like and follow us on Facebook and download the SchoolGateway app so you may make payments and book before- and after-school clubs from September 2019;
    • Please talk to your child's teacher regularly, checking to see how your child is working and how they are behaving, and let your child's teacher know if there is anything going on at home that they should be made aware of - if you require a private meeting, you can make an appointment at the School Office to meet your child's teacher before- or after school;
    • Click here to know what school uniform your child should wear, including a link to the website you need to order a school-branded V-neck jumper or cardigan - please label every single item of clothing in permanent marker and talk to your child about looking after their belongings;
    • Please read every day at home with your child, particularly at bedtime, and make notes in your child's reading record - in September, your child will be given a free book bag and it will contain a reading record, a bedtime story book and, when your child is ready, a Read Write Inc. phonics book to practise their word reading skills with you at home; 
    • Over the Summer Holidays, promote your child's independence, making sure they dress themselves and can use the toilet alone;
    • When your children starts school in September, make arrangements for their friends to visit your home for a play date or make arrangements with other parents/carers to visit the park after school or at the weekend so your child may learn how to play well with others; and, 
    • Please note the following key dates (so far) for Reception parents/carers:


    19/09/19 at 2:00pm - Lending Library Workshop (i.e. a weekly library we have in school where your child and you may borrow resources for free to use at home)


    30/09/19 at 9:00am - Phonics Workshop (i.e. how we teach your child to read words)


    24/10/19 from 3:30-9:00pm - Parents and Carers' Evening (i.e. nearer the time you will make an appointment to meet your child's teacher to discuss their learning)


    20/12/19 at 9:00am - Reception Christmas Concert

  • Newsletter - w/c 24/06/19

    Mon 24 Jun 2019

    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.  


    Year 6 - Graduation 

    On Friday 19th July 2019, we will have a Graduation Ceremony for the Year 6 pupils leaving us to start their secondary school education.  For every child, we need a photograph of your child as a baby or a toddler - you can either bring in the photograph for us to scan and return to you or you may e-mail with the subject 'Year 6 Graduation Baby Photo'.  


    Please have sent your photograph in by Friday 28th June 2019.  


    2019 Reception Parent/Carer Meeting 

    There is a meeting on Wednesday 26th June 2019 at 2:30pm in our main hall for parents/carers
    of children joining Reception in 2019.  If you are unable to make it, we will be adding the information to our school website afterwards and we will be posting documents to those who do not attend.  


    Year 6 Residential Trip - PGL

     Please click here to read the information parents/carers need regarding PGL.  Children can arrive to school at the normal time on Wednesday and they should be back to school by 4:00pm on Friday unless there is heavy traffic.  We will message you if the children are due to arrive back late.  The teachers will update Facebook regularly throughout each day so do make sure you follow us to get all the latest photographs and videos of your children.  


    If your child is not attending PGL, they must be in school.  Thank you. 


    Library Trip 

    Apple Class will be visiting Waltham Cross Library on Tuesday 25th June so don't forget to bring your library cards or a completed library form.


    Summer Fair

    The Friends of Hurst Drive will be organising a Summer Fair on the back playground and field on the 12th July to raise money for the school. If you have any donations for the stalls (ie: soft toys in good condition, unopened toiletry gift sets) could you please hand them in at the office. Any donations would be appreciated.

    The Friends are also looking for any helpers to either set up or run a stall please call in the office to put your name down if you are able to help. Thank you.


    Father’s Day Sale

    We would like to say a big thank you to the Friends of Hurst Drive for all their help at the Father’s Day sale last week. We appreciate all your hard work and we are sure that all of the Fathers who received lovely gifts appreciate it too.


    Dinner Money

    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday. Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope. The weekly cost of school dinners is £12.50 for five meals.

    If you receive a dinner debt letter please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future. Which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.


    End of day collection times 

    Please note the school day finishes at 3:15 pm. Can we please remind you that your children need to be collected at this time. Can we also please remind you to contact the office during the school day if you have a friend or family member collecting your child who is not on your contact list.

    Thank you.


    Yours sincerely

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099


  • Newsletter - w/c 17/06/2019

    Fri 14 Jun 2019

    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.  


    Facebook - Class Pages

    The class teachers are starting to create accounts on Facebook for their class.  Teachers will aim to post regularly about the learning going on in their classroom.  If you already follow the Hurst Drive Primary School page, we will regularly share the teacher's posts so you may see them on there.  Alternatively, you are welcome to search for your child's class on Facebook - e.g. Cedar Class - and click on the account to read the posts yourself which will all be public.  Please note that teachers are aware which children have permission to have their photograph on the internet and it will only be these children who appear in Facebook posts.    

    As a school, we are fortunate that our parents and carers have all been incredibly respectful with their comments on Facebook.  We thank you for this and we hope it will continue.  Please remember that if something upsets or annoys you, you can always speak to your child's Teacher, the Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher or one of the Assistant Headteachers about it and we'll try our best to resolve the issue with you.  


     Years 5/6 Sex and Relationships Education - Parent/Carer Meeting

    Parents/carers of children in Years 5 and 6 are invited to a meeting in school on Wednesday 19th June 2019 at 9:00am for about an hour to view the
    teaching materials used to teach the Year 5 children about puberty and the Year 6 children about sex.  After this meeting, we will send out a letter to parents/carers of children in Years 5 and 6 to let you know when the lessons will be taught and giving you the option of your child sitting out for these lessons - although we sincerely hope you won't opt out as we would much prefer the children learn about puberty and sex from their teachers rather than friends in or out of school who may not give them the factual information!  

    Parents/Carers should be aware that in September 2020, the Department for Education have made it compulsory for all children to be taught Sex and Relationships Education so there won't be the choice of opting your child out of these lessons.  We know that Sex and Relationships Education is something that can worry parents and carers and so next year, in the summer of 2020, we will arrange a number of meetings for parents/carers from all year groups to see what our Sex and Relationships Education will be like from September 2020.


    Picnic Day - Friday 21st June 2019

    Next Friday, we are having a whole-school picnic day.  On this day, your child is welcome to bring a home packed lunch or, if your child usually has a school dinner, the kitchen staff will be creating packed lunches that can be taken outdoors.  For your information, the options for a school packed lunch are a chicken or cheese baguette with crisps, cucumber sticks, a cookie and a bottle of water.  Please speak to the School Office if you require more information.   

    We are keeping everything crossed that this terrible weather clears by next Friday but if it does end up being a downpour, we will enjoy our picnic indoors!


    Summer Fair

    The Friends of Hurst Drive will be organising a Summer Fair on the back playground and field on the 12th July to raise money for the school. If you have any donations for the stalls (ie: soft toys in good condition, unopened toiletry gift sets) could you please hand them in at the office. Any donations would be appreciated.

    The Friends are also looking for any helpers to either set up or run a stall please call in the office to put your name down if you are able to help. Thank you.


    Dinner Money

    Just a quick reminder that dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday. Our preferred method of payment is on School Gateway. If you are unable to pay on the School Gateway, please come into the office with the correct money in an envelope. The weekly cost of school dinners is £12.50 for five meals.

    If you receive a dinner debt letter please make sure this is cleared straight away to avoid your child having to bring in a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Unpaid dinner debts could result in the cost of the school dinner charge being increased in the future. Which would be unfair for those parents/carers who always pay on time.

    The office will have a limited supply of envelopes. Please make sure you bring in an envelope with the correct money, your child’s name, class, how much it’s containing and what this is for i.e. Dinner/Trip money. 


    End of day collection times 

    Please note the school day finishes at 3:15 pm. Can we please remind you that your children need to be collected at this time. Can we also please remind you to contact the office during the school day if you have a friend or family member collecting your child who is not on your contact list.

    Thank you.


    Yours sincerely,

    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099


  • Newsletter - w/c 10/06/19

    Fri 07 Jun 2019

    Please find below the weekly newsletter containing important information.  


    Soccer Aid - Wednesday 12th June 2019

    On Wednesday, the children are taking part in a fundraising activity for Soccer Aid to raise money for Unicef.  On Wednesday, please send your child to school in sports clothing, preferably in a football shirt and/or the colour of their house team.  Please also give your child £1 to donate to charity.  We are trying to raise at least £375.  If every child attended school and brought their £1 we would raise more than that which would be fantastic!  


    Friends of Hurst Drive's Fathers' Day Sale - Friday 14th June 2019

    On Friday, the Friends of Hurst Drive are organising a Fathers' Day Sale to raise money for the school where the children will have time during the school day to buy gifts for their Dad or any of the important men in their lives.  We recommend you give your child £5-£10.  This sale was a big success in March when we did it for the Mums so we know this one will be just as successful for all the Dads too!


    Tea Towel Sale

    Every morning next week before school we will be selling KS1 & KS2 Tea Towels on the school playground in front of Walnut Class. If you would like to purchase one of these, they are £3.00 each.


    Summer Fair

    The Friends of Hurst Drive will be organising a Summer Fair on the back playground and field on the 12th July to raise money for the school. If you have any donations for the stalls (ie: soft toys in good condition, unopened toiletry gift sets) could you please hand them in at the office. Any donations would be appreciated.

    The Friends are also looking for any helpers to either set up or run a stall please call in the office to put your name down if you are able to help. Thank you.


    School Uniform - September 2019 onward

    Please make a note that from September 2019 onward, children in KS2 will need to wear a white polo shirt with their school jumper or cardigan like the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 do currently.  If your KS2 child is growing and you need to replace uniform now, you are very welcome to replace their shirt and tie with a white polo shirt.

    Please also make sure your child is wearing black school shoes - not trainers!  Thank you.  


    Term Dates 2019-20

    We have had to change our term dates slightly.  School will be closed on Wednesday 4th September 2019 and open on Monday 1st June 2020.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and hopefully we have given you enough advanced notice.  


    School Website

    Please take the time to look at our new school website, particularly the calendar that includes all the important dates parents/carers will want to know about for June and July.  The new homework booklets for this half term are on the website too - any completed projects need to be returned to school by Monday 15th July 2019.  


    Times Tables Rockstars (KS2)

    Parents/carers of children in Years 3-6, please know that your child has a login for Times Tables Rockstars - a fun educational website that allows them to learn their times tables by heart.  This is particularly important for the current Year 3 children who will be sitting the first Multiplication Check test next year when they are in Year 4.  Please encourage your child to visit this website daily to practise their times tables - times tables are important for so many areas of maths.  If your child does not know their login, tell them to get it from their teacher or speak to the school office.  


    End of day collection times 

    Please note the school day finishes at 3:15 pm. Can we please remind you that your children need to be collected at this time. Can we also please remind you to contact the office during the school day if you have a friend or family member collecting your child who is not on your contact list.


    Yours sincerely,
    The School Office Team

    Hurst Drive Primary School 

    01992 624099

